I haven’t invited my friends over to my house for several years because its so awkward. I don’t have any video games, board games, or anything like that. I invited them to the park once and they all acted super bored. I felt bad that one or two people always end up hosting get togethers, so I invited them over to my house, but now I’m freaking out because I have nothing to do with them here.

  1. Are you running out of things to say? I’d start there, you can always talk.

    I’d get some activities to do though like MarioKart.

  2. As a host you kind of always have to have some activities on deck, that doesn’t mean people will want to do them since they may just want to talk but have something left out as an idea of what to do. Could be a simple game like Spoons or two truths and a lie. Make sure to have snacks and beverages. Your job as host isn’t necessarily to determine what to do but to open doors for possibilities.

  3. you can be honest and say “ive never invited people over so im not sure how to plan it, can you guys bring some board games with you or sth?”

    they should appreciate you being kind enough to offer hosting and honest enough to say you don’t know how to plan it, but i would say at least make sure there is food and snacks on hand as that is usually enough for people to enjoy coming over, having a speaker for music ready is also sth that can be quickly purchased if you don’t have one, and think of some movie options to suggest just in case

    good luck!

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