Curious how folks handle this situation. Let’s say you’re at the wedding of your spouses sibling and the photographer calls on immediate family to join a photo. Do you get up and join the photo with your spouse or do you sit back and wait for someone to ask you to join?

  1. I would wait and follow directions from the couple or photographer. My husband did pictures with just his mother and siblings and then also with his siblings’ spouses and kids. A lot of people want both, so I’d just wait to be told which photos I am needed for.

  2. I sit back. I also stand on the end in case something goes wrong with the marriage and they want to just cut me off the picture.

  3. You wait to be asked, but I’d be pretty upset if I weren’t asked. If talk to your spouse about it if you want to be included.

  4. I mean, it depends. It’s totally ok, of course, to take family photos which don’t include spouses. If, on the other hand, you’re being specifically excluded from all photos or something, that’s pretty weird.

  5. There’s always room for more pictures.

    All of the family events I’ve been with since forever we’ve usually done both: maybe some pictures with all of the entire family including spouses, and maybe also some of just the siblings–like my wife and her sisters or me and my sisters.

    If it’s my wife’s family, I’ll happily stand wherever they think best. But I may suggest a better backdrop or a better angle for the light because physics.

  6. When I got married I included spouses in family’s ending pics and I wish I did not. Now I have to look at my cousin’s ex wife in all of my family wedding pics.

    I have not been in this situation with my spouse though since we have attended any of his family’s weddings since getting married and his sister was married before I never him. I would step back though whenever this situation happens in the future with a family member’s wedding unless I am directly asked by the couple to join.

  7. Usually the entire gamut when it comes to her family.

    A few with everyone, including spouses. A few with just her parents/sister. And then parents/sisters/nieces. (me and the BIL sitting those out).

    With my family, my wife is in everything and has been since the first time I took her home to meet everyone.

    Funny story, at our wedding, we forgot to get one of my parents and brother and the two of us. Plenty of us. Plenty of us with the parents. Plenty of us and my brother (who was my best man). But we forgot one of my family all together. Hectic day, light was going down on the beach..etc, etc.

    So for my parents’ Christmas card they wanted to send a shot of all of us together. My brother simply photoshopped himself into one of the shots with my parents and my wife and I and that’s what they used. You’d never be able to tell the difference.

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