My (18F) parents are about to come home with my baby brother and I’m not sure what I’m meant to say. I’m scared it’s going to be painfully awkward as I have no clue what to say when he arrives.

  1. say hello to the little man and if you have any candy give him one ( ask for allergies beforehand tho)

  2. If you are comfortable talking to your parents then you will be fine as that’s who you are talking to. The baby will be clueless mostly. He’s not gonna understand anything. He won’t remember the moment either. By the time he understands you you will have gotten used to him probably.

  3. This sounds like it could be a lovely moment, and it would be really nice if you could find a way to be gentle with yourself and a good way to not overthink it.

    What part of the situation are you scared about?

  4. Love him 🤗 it’s that simple. It’s a cute little babyyy… And he’s your new relative! 😊 How cool is that?

  5. Say “Hey dad, here is a box of…er, BIRTH CONTROL I purchased for you and mom. Handle with care.”

  6. Start by asking your mom how she’s feeling. Chances are the little guy will be sleeping. I’m sure it’s safe if you get him a stuffed animal or something as a welcome home gift and hand it to him. If anything, just introduce yourself.

  7. Just say congrats to your parents and say welcome to the world baby brother I’m happy to meet you, can’t wait to get to know you as you grow.

  8. This is a moment for*you* (and your parents), so *you* enjoy it and say what feels right to you in the moment. It’s sweet you’re thinking about it, but he won’t remember it, just you and your parents.

  9. Say: “Abebee omygoodness da little fingees ooooo heshocute mwah mwah,” works for me everytime

  10. I also went through this. When I was 18, my parents adopted a baby. It was awkward at first, and it’s ok if you feel a little stand off ish, I’m certain your parents will understand. With time, the baby will grow on you and all sense of worry will be gone. It was awkward until the baby was about 1.5-2 but then his personality formed a little bit more and it was easier to be around him.

  11. You should talk to your brother and introduce yourself because otherwise how’s he going to know who you are?

  12. Your parents will probably be exhausted! Ask if there is anything you can do to help (them get some sleep).

  13. You’re very sweet 💕 I have a feeling once you meet and hold the baby your going to wonder why you were worried. My advice is to just cut yourself some slack, you’re likely to have a lot of emotions. No one will expect anything from you. Help mom the best you can, she is going to be exhausted and sore and small helps go a long way. Let her rest by taking care of yourself and be there for her emotionally the best you can. All the best!

  14. Aww this is exciting ask you’re mom how is he feeling or what are you scared about ?

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