Feminine women how do you feel around more masculine appearing women?

  1. I don’t care about the appearance, I feel the same around any women.

  2. No particular way. How I feel around a woman depends on the circumstances and our relationship, not how either of us present.

  3. The same? Normal?

    If the way other people look makes you uncomfortable, that’s your personal problem to deal with internally.

  4. … normal..?

    Like that do you want me to say, they’re normal people like everyone else?

  5. Lol, I feel normal. I don’t feel any different around them than I do with any other women

  6. Indifferent. If they’re nice, great, if they’re not, get out, just like with anybody else.

  7. i normally get along better with feminine girls since i can ask them stuff easier but i love masculine girls too! usually theyre super sweet so i feel comfortable around them

  8. My wife is quite masculine, and I love her for it. I think she looks incredibly handsome in a suit.

    Generally, I admire masculine women, it takes bravery and integrity to be yourself in a society where men shout taunts and mistreat you for it. Masculine women also endure homophobia, even when they are straight, because of assumptions people make.

  9. This is a dumb question. I could walk into a room with a hundred “masculine” women in it and be like, “There’s a lot of people in here, wow.” and have that literally be my only thought about it. Masculinity/femininity is a scale used by toxic men looking for an ego boost, control over the environments they’re in, or to “prove” that they are deserving of sex. It’s dumb. Let people be happy.

  10. Why would someone else’s presentation affect my feelings in any way?

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