Long story short, his sister and I don’t get along too well. She’s protective, don’t get me wrong, but I do believe that does not give her a reason to be directly rude to my face, which she is. I have always stood down, but have recently made it very clear to my boyfriend that I want to draw a line that can’t be debated upon; I will not actively
choose to engage with his sister, unless it’s detrimental that I do.

With that being said, he posted a picture of us together, his sister commented a compliment directed towards me, and is now upset that I didn’t respond to her comment. My boyfriend comes to me and tells me she’s upset with it, and he then continues to be upset with me when I tell him I didn’t even have the time to see that comment. Anddd boom, silent treatment from him.

Most minuscule thing that we could possibly argue about, especially considering I am in now way responsible for his sister’s happiness, and pretty much just had that line I drew crossed.

I have no idea what to do! This has been a running theme in our relationship which has been going for 4 years, where he wants me to do certain things, or behave in a certain way that I am not comfortable with, just so it would satisfy his sister (and his mom :/) I’m at that point where I’m sick and tired of it, but have no idea how i should go about communicating that to him. Any ideas?

  1. “I’m in a relationship with you, not your sister. I will always be respectful to her, but I am not responsible for her happiness. Please stop expecting me to act/behave in certain ways just to satisfy your sister/mom.”

    If he has a problem with that, he may not be ready for a serious relationship.

  2. don’t want to say weird sister complex…but weird sister complex…also does he even defend you when she’s being rude TO YOU and about YOU? bc if not…wtf

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