What was the last time you felt unsafe and what happened?

  1. When I went clubbing and this dude said ‘wanna bet I’ll take you home tonight?’ And I said ‘hahaha wanna bet you won’t?’

    Damn it, I should have bet him actual money maybe I could have been $100 richer

  2. Had a stranger in my neighborhood complimenting me in a very aggressive manner, and asking me personal questions at the bus stop next to my home. He approached me from up close and I was alone and scared. The next day I had my fiancé driving me to work and we encountered him walking around the neighborhood. He stopped the car and confronted the guy who denied everything. He told him to leave me alone and not to approach me. It was very kind and brave but now I am scared of going outside alone and encounter this weirdo. I fucking hate this situation. I also had never seen this person in my neighborhood and I go for runs and walks daily. Now I’m scared.

  3. Right before my husband left us, he lost his shit on me the night before. Yelled at me, threw his shoe at my head, screamed at me how worthless I was.

  4. I was walking down the street, and walking in front of me was a person with a large, pitbull-type of dog they had absolutely no control over, and it looked stressed out constantly switching between staring at everyone who walked past them. I stepped into a random store for probably 10 minutes just to get off the street and let them get some distance.

  5. I had a stalker who would verbally harass, threaten, and gaslight me at a previous job. This was at least 4 years ago.

  6. Guy tapped on my car door as I was about to leave my driveway recently. He stopped his truck kinda abruptly 2 doors down and walked over to hand me his business card.

    But also had some kids banged on my door at midnight, and some men testing the doorknob to see if my front door was open last month.

    I’ve been sleeping with a knife under my pillow for a while lol

  7. This morning…

    I was going into my local courthouse to get fingerprints done (I’m applying for counseling licensure and this is a requirement).

    As I was going in, this random guy was standing outside going “baby! baby! I want to ask you something” and I ignored him. Then I heard him ask another woman if he could use her phone and she said no. I was worried about both of our safety. I noticed he didn’t ask any of the men who were around if he could talk to them or use their phones…

  8. When my best friends ex (who became physically abusive which caused their break up) singled her out in the store and pulled her away from me, as soon as I found them she was crying and he was being an ass, I stepped in between them and stared him down, I felt unsafe but man my adrenaline was spiked,

  9. First off.. im schizoaffective. Its difficult..

    I fell into a psychosis for about 6-8 months. This ended about 6 months ago, leaving some lasting effects. Im not going to take or soend the time to tell you why I was under the impression that I was because there were and still is so many scattered variables that led me there. It would take more writing than most people would be willing to read in a short sitting. So here it was. Here it is.

    I had a group of serial murdering cannibal rapists coming to eat and fuck me to death.
    2 of which were Co workers at a new job I had just started. It got bad. I was scared. I was horrified. And nobody believed me. I could see it in there eyes. I heard the words “I believe that you believe…” So many times during this period that I lost all trust in everyone. Nobody was going to protect me and My entire reality shifted into overdrive. I decided to get on some medications finally, Which i’ve been taking for 6 months now, And the psychosis slowly began to taper away. I quit my job over that shit. It was such a good job too. I’ve been told by the boss that they would have me back anytime.. But i’m so fuckin embarrassed. How would I ever be able to save face over that? It’s a wild wild accusation to make against someone, Especially a co-worker. I’d like to go back and apologize to the guy, But i’m still so scared that it might bring me back into a relapse. Or perhaps it’s exactly what I need to do. Closure has always been is my thing.

    Sigh. Such is life.

    the After effects of this ordeal aren’t too cool either. Now at night time when i’m laying in bed just before sleep, my bed begins to shake, more like a rocking actually, and I hear women screaming far off in the distance. But that’s slowly going away too.

    If you took the time to read this whole thing.
    thank you.
    Your time means a lot to me.

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