So, I have met someone amazing through mutual friends and have been seeing eachother for a couple of months but been friends for longer. We love spending time together and get on like a house on fire, have so much in common, the same mindset and the sex is mind blowing for both of us. My question is where do we go from here? I don’t normally don’t feel this way about someone and haven’t been in a relationship a long while for personal reasons. I usually keep my distance and never commit so I feel like this is too good to be true.
We can literally make eachother laugh to the point where we can’t speak and our stomachs hurt, again, the sex is unreal and she is beautiful. We’ve both said that we want something more than FWB and she’s one of my best friends. I’m scared.

  1. Just go for it. Life’s to short for what ifs, maybes, and could haves. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least you have your answer on why it didn’t/couldn’t. If you guys truly hit it off as you say then it should be almost impossible to fumble it. Yes there’s gonna be hard times, but you go through it together and come out stronger

  2. 1. Listen to her.

    2. Make her feel special every day.

    3. Be spontaneous (not all the time but enough)

    4. Hold her hand in public.

    5. Tell her you love her every day.

    6. Don’t fuck it up !!!!!!

  3. Congratulations. You found a keeper.

    I say go for it and see how it works out long term.

  4. I speak from experience here when I say go for it! I left my first, 8 year relationship a few months ago, we have a child together. That relationship caused a lot of fear for me. Infidelity, manipulation, alcoholism/ addictions, etc. When my now boyfriend and I first started dating, I just kept thinking this is way to good to be true. But I just took the leap and realized that I can have a healthy relationship but I have to be open and receive it. Its pretty soon some may say, but I can without a doubt say I’m over the moon, in love, i know this man will be my husband. If there’s nothing to fear or mistrust and the feeling is mutual, do it!!! Good luck and wish you all the best.

  5. Don’t overthink it but don’t underthink it. Though this is how I get into codependent relationships so be wary of that if you had a weird childhood. But just be honest and open and figure it out together

  6. Just roll with it brother, you might not find another one like that. Seal the deal, and enjoy the time while it lasts

  7. To me it seems clear you should take the next step. You don’t have to label it if your don’t want to. I feel, that from what you’ve said, if you don’t move forward and she gets away that you’ll be left with regret

  8. I am in my 60’s and just met someone who, for the first time in my life, and after two LTRs, I can truly say, knocks me flat and apparently I do the same for her. Love like neither of us have ever known and yes, the sex is mind-blowing! I am going to do what needs doing to keep this strong and true. This incredibly rare intersection of mutual adoration comes very rarely. I hope that you both see what you have and try to make it even more. You’re goddamned lucky!!!

  9. Just live it and enjoy it. If it bothers you sit down and talk to her about labeling it.

  10. Just got for it. Talk about future plans and marriage. Meet each others families. Make it permanent. I would not think you would need a long engagement since you’ve known each other a long time.

    But, before marriage sit down with a marriage counselor to talk over issues like money.

  11. Does she check off a list for you? This is just my template but I want you to borrow it

    You did check off that you both want it.

    But, is she supportive? Is she cooperative? Is she over her last situation?

  12. That happened to me once. I ended up getting in my own way. And therapy has taught me there was a lot of self-sabotage involved…

    My best advice is go for it head first. As the infatuation wanes in the next few months you’ll start seeing her and appreciating her for who she truly is. And that’s where the relationship really solidifies.

    These things almost never happen, mate. This sort of chemistry is extremely rare. If you found it, hold on tight, be grateful, be proud and enjoy the ride!

  13. Building a wall might help you keep out the bad stuff. The hurt and frustration and all that. But it’ll also keep out all the great stuff. The love and joy and companionship. Relationships are always a risk. They are. But that’s ok. You have to be able to trust yourself, and there’s no reason not to. You’ll be ok. You’re just afraid to not be. Which is so common. But you’d be doing yourself a detriment by bailing.

  14. Don’t roll the dice on kids right away. Let it play out for a few years. See how she reacts during hardships and road bumps in the relationship. A few months isn’t going to say much about a person esp in a relationship

  15. These are the feelings you want to have when you meet “the one”. Cherish it and her. I know it’s super scary but this could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you, seriously! If it ends up not working out, it’s never a loss, always a lesson but how will you know if you don’t give it a shot? Life’s too short, don’t push her away. You won’t regret having a relationship with her if this is how u feel about each other and it’s mutual. Go for it!

  16. Life is to short. Even what you have now is more than some people have ever had and ever will have. Go for it

  17. This is how I felt when I met my husband. It felt too good to be true. Then we just kept dating, moved in, got married. We did it all quickly. Some people were excited for us. Many were afraid and told me to be cautious, take it slow. But we just went all in on our love. It still feels too good to be true.

  18. Always go to the next step only when both parties are ready AND you’ve talked it all over extensively. Most people hate that, and any thing can be over talked about, but when you’ve got a situation where you’re aware that you have something worth keeping, someone you don’t want to lose … you HAVE to take the time to talk it all over.

    I wish you luck.

  19. Well you’ve already had sex so I’m not sure why you’re scared of ruining the friendship. I have guy friends that I won’t kiss because I’m afraid it will not work out and will wreck the friendship. I would just assume you guys are in a relationship it exclusive. There really is no need to label it, is there? Just enjoy it and don’t worry. You are freaking lucky to have that I would kill for it.

  20. First calm the shit down. Shes just another girl calm down. Temper her a touch, not much but you’ll run out of cool shit to do and the same story over and over again will get boring. Now. If you’ve been dating a long time1-3 years, consider if she makes other parts of your life easier. Does she help make your life easier? Are you able to work longer and harder to provide for a family with her should the need arise?

    Or is she just damn good in the sack? You marry a girl who makes your life easier, whose potentially pulled your ass from the fire or has helped you when all the chips were down. If shes a great girl and you love your time together. Relax.

    Relax, appreciate her, tell her you appreciate her and if you are dating for long tell her you love her- if you do that is. Date for a while, if in 2-4 years she’s still knocking your eyes to the back of your head and making you happy to go to work or come home with a smile on your face consider marriage.

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