I signed up for a student exchange with my school earlier in the year which was pretty out there for me since I’m autistic and very introverted and was homeschooled for a few years before starting here. We’re hosting students from the other province (lol yes I’m Canadian) currently and they’re alright but I’m already really overwhelmed with them and a lot of the activities. As much as I’m not that big a fan of school I’d way rather spend the week doing work with people I’m comfortable with at my small school… I’m kinda debating not going to their province now in a couple weeks, I think I’d be really overwhelmed and since I’m staying with one of them half the time who I don’t really like cause he’s extroverted which is fine but he makes a lot of transphobic and sexist jokes… I don’t want to upset their parents since they’ve planned stuff out and probably our lots of thought into it as well as the one guy I don’t mind. My mom would be okay with my staying but I don’t wanna let people down and seem like a quitter or a “special kid”.

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