A couple weeks ago I had to quit my job, but while I was working there I got kind of close with my coworker. I was basically the quiet guy and I mainly kept to myself, but she insisted on working with me from the first day we met each other. She was basically the same as me, not as quiet but preferred to be withdrawn from other people, some anxiety and little to no friends. Usually I don’t meet anyone else like that so with that amongst a ton of other things we had in common, I felt a little more comfortable opening up to her.

I never fully understood our relationship, but there was always a lingering thought that she was “just being nice”, so I was always hyperaware of what the boundaries were and I tried not to cross into being too familiar with her. It was like this until my last day there where we exchanged phone numbers. The next morning after I had quit, we exchanged some brief messages about how we’ll miss working together and that she had just gotten me out of my shell. I told her that I was glad that I was able to make a new friend (the first time I ever referred to her that way), but she never responded and I haven’t heard from her since then.

I don’t really mind “double texting” people or reaching out after some time, but in this case it feels like it would be weird to do? I don’t know if I’m overthinking but I get a strange feeling about what I said not being acknowledged, like she doesn’t consider me to be a friend. Should I try to reach out to her?

  1. I’m just gonna say this as a fellow person with social anxiety who has made a similar mistake before. Also cause if she’s like you, she might feel similarly to how you’re feeling now. I’d definitely reach out if I were you. If she put all that effort into trying to talk to you, I seriously doubt she’d be all like, no dont want to talk or whatever. Just message her and be all like, hey, whats up?

  2. I got similar issues with looking at people n shit. Not sure if they like me or not. What I say is just text her and ask idk if she’d be down to just chat or something. Nobody I know would give their number to someone they didn’t like

    Good luck dude

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