My girlfriend (25F) and I (19M) started dating 4 months ago. It might just be my usual weed paranoia but I agreed to my gf asking if she can tie me to a chair, I said yeah because I wanted to try. In the middle of it happening she blindfolded me. She has a whole Instagram page with no followers dedicated to me, where she posts everything from me and her together, to me sleeping at night. I can’t help ignore the intrusive thought of what if she took any photos or videos of me, what do I do? How do I ask her without seeming crazy? I just want piece of mind about it as I have trust issues which she hasn’t seen yet

  1. Pretty much half the post on this subreddit are from people who have snooped to confirm their suspicions and want to know what to do now they are sure as to the situation. I suggest you snoop. It’s obvious talking to her won’t help as you don’t trust her anyway.

    I hope that should she have broke your consent that you leave the relationship and don’t apologise for her abusive actions.

  2. “Hey, you didn’t post any of last nights antics online did you? I feel images like that may bite me in the ass one day if anyone finds them, I’m okay with the other photos*, but nothing more intimate”

    *only say that part if you’re comfortable with her sharing the other pics. I hate my photo took even in non sexual situations

  3. Sit down with her and ask her point blank. Honesty is the best policy in personal relationships.

    Explain to her that you’re anxious/uncomfortable about this and would like to see the profile/have it deleted.

    You’re quite young, there can be quite a gap in life experiences between being a 19 yo and a 25 yo. However, if your girlfriend is not manipulative/abusive, she should be understanding of your feelings.

    Good luck!

  4. You ask her. Hey, you didn’t take any photos of me when I was blindfolded, right? It’s really weird that she has a page devoted to you. I’m getting creepy vibes.

  5. You should’ve told her pics of you sleeping are not acceptable to post and she is almost certainly taking photos of you tied up. At only four moths this is a huge red flag. You should’ve started running yesterday bro.

  6. A 25-year-old woman who wants anything to do with a 19-year-old boy is bad news…

  7. If you don’t feel like you can ask your girlfriend about this kind of thing, you need to end the relationship immediately.

  8. This isn’t normal. You just need to talk to her and air all these feeling and gauge her reaction if she’s reassuring and open then maybe there’s room to work here. If she snaps. If she freaks out. It’s time to end this before you get hurt more.

  9. What? I’m still stuck on the She has a whole IG dedicated to you, including pictures of you sleeping?!?

  10. you wouldn’t seem crazy considering what she’s doing can be something u find in an episode of law and order: svu and criminal minds. you’re not the crazy one here

  11. Personally I’d run and never look back… Sounds like a crazy stalker…

  12. This is not okay. Being tired to the chair is fine, but did you guys discuss safe words or if blindfolds were okay?

    Any type of play (from vanilla to rocky road) should be discussed and agreed upon, especially when being tied up and definitely if pictures or video might be introduced.

    The Instagram shrine is bizarro and feels so invasive.

  13. Just took her phone when she sleep,delete everything (make sure she dont have back up) ,broke up and block her!

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