How do you keep yourself motivated to work out consistently?

  1. I think the most important thing is to find a type of exercise that you love. I tried weight lifting, running, swimming… but once I found cycling, it’s all I want to do.

  2. I think the biggest thing is you have to have something that being in shape does for you that makes it worth it.

    Some guys have that built in, they love hitting PRs at the gym or just the feeling of being worn out after a good work out. Or maybe it’s dirt simple like loving the look it gives them.

    For others, there needs to be something else that makes it worth it even when you absolutely do not want to.

  3. Stress relief from depression , and my family will ruthlessly roast me if I’m fat😂

  4. I find exercises and routines that love. When I don’t feel motivated it usually just means I need a rest day or two

  5. As others have said, it is important to find something you like doing. But I think the important thing that has worked for me is that I don’t treat it like a hobby or a thing that I like to do. It is a chore. We clean our dwellings, we get the oil changed in the car, etc., even when we don’t want to do them. If you treat exercise like a hobby, it falls away when things get tough. It is a chore, an investment in future-philosphicalraz. So, when I am tired but it is a workout day? Tough. It is a chore I do. Honestly, one of the more fun of my chores, but it turns it from something optional to something mandatory.

  6. I just enjoy the process…it’s almost a meditative state for me, or at least as close as I can get to that.

    Plus, what are the consequences of not working out & eating right? Yeah…fuck that!

    It’s a no brainer for me!

  7. I am already super ugly, I cannot be fat. It would lower me from 3/10 to 1/10. Even my dog will reject me!

  8. It’s only like that the first three months you get started.

    Sometimes I’d have to sit in my car for 30 minutes watching motivational YouTube clips from Arnold or Tom platz, ect. After enough temporary motivation built up for the day, I went.

    and I did this until it became a part of my lifestyle

  9. The only exercise I get consistently is because my friends invite me to play basketball, so I would say having friends who like basketball is what keeps me motivated.

  10. Either find some kind of activity that you like doing, or make it a habit, similar to brushing your teeth, doing the dishes, etc..

    Don’t rely on motivation; it’s elusive.

  11. I just keep hating my body. I understand what people say when they tell you to love and accept yourself but what I need them to understand is that’s all well and good but I don’t WANT to like the way I look now.

  12. I don’t use motivation to drive me. Motivation is meaningless and fleeting. I use discipline to go even when I don’t want to.

  13. The more muscle you get, the more you can eat without becoming a big fat guy.

  14. Make it a habit. Start small and build. Find things that you enjoy doing.

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