Do you think it’s odd to not know the number of past sexual partners your partner has had?

  1. I couldn’t tell you the number of past sexual partners my wife has had. I have never cared to ask.

  2. 30 years ago? Maybe. Today, especially as an older person? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

  3. I couldn’t care less how many people my S.O. has been with.

    Personally, I dont get the obsession. The only people I’ve personally known who did care were very possessive and had unhealthy relationships.

  4. My husband and I have definitely told each other before. But I honestly don’t remember how many people he slept with before me because it really doesn’t matter!

  5. I cared, so I asked.
    He never asked, when I asked why he didn’t ask me.
    His response:

    “I don’t want to know”


  6. I don’t care. My husband doesn’t care. I don’t think we’ve ever brought up numbers.

  7. I have an idea how many people my husband has slept with but I don’t care. We both talk about previous experiences here and there. If he asked me for a count I wouldn’t know an exact number, and I don’t think he knows his either. It doesn’t matter anyway.

  8. I would never even ask. My partners past is their past, I’m not entitled to every detail of their private past

  9. We didn’t actually have the “exact number” talk till after we were married. I don’t really remember hers, just the general range. It didn’t matter to me as long as it wasn’t 0.

  10. I’ve never cared and I know he doesn’t either. We discussed numbers in a group setting back when we were just friends, but I don’t remember what he said.

  11. Wife and I haven’t shared this information. The past is the past. You are the current and the future, that’s all that matters.

  12. Knowing or not knowing doesn’t matter. What does matter is what the two of you are comfortable with. IMO you are absolutely allowed to care but likewise they are allowed to care that you care.

  13. Weird? No. But now that the question has come up, weird not to ask? Yes.

    I always say satisfy your curiosity. They can always just choose not to tell you.

  14. I think not knowing should be normal. My husband and I have been together 24 years and knew very little about each other’s past before us..

  15. If it’s something important to you, then ask I guess? It was never an issue for us.

  16. We talked about it when we started dating, I think it’s good to know.

  17. I don’t think it’s anyone’s business and wouldn’t discuss it, nor would I want to hear about my partner’s.

  18. Normal. I don’t know the exact number of partners my husband has had but it’s 3x less than me. Don’t care.

  19. I’ll be honest I don’t know how many ppl I’ve been with, not because I’ve been with a lot but I didn’t know we were supposed to keep track. I know how many my husband has been with because he told me. I don’t care though. It’s kinda useless information.

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