Dear men, how do you keep moving forward and not fall into procrastination or depressive slumps?

  1. I procrastinate all the time but when it’s time to get shit done then it’s time to get shit done.

    Depression is a different beast, I take mushrooms for that.

  2. lol you merely fell into depression. i was born in it, molded by it. i did not know happiness until i was already a man……

    also weed.

  3. It all has to do with your discipline, if you are highly disciplined you will do what you know needs to be done consistently. Whether you feel like it or not.

    The best advice I have for avoiding depressive slumps is exercise every single day, avoid isolating yourself, and work towards something that gives you a purpose every day of your life.

  4. Set goals, make lists, try to hold myself accountable. Still fall short more often than not, but that box is still there waiting to be ticked the next time I have the energy and mindset for it.

  5. I keep a list of things I need to get done and try to keep moving. Exercise helps. A body in motion, stays in motion. Keep toxic people away also. Surround yourself with high achievers.

  6. **Procrastination** – Discipline and persistence are the driving forces to combat this problem. Try planning out your week with blocks during the day reserved to things you want done or prioritize. Do just a day if a week seems to daunting. You will fail starting out and that’s fine, just pick it up the next time you are able to. Just don’t quit.

    **Depression** – The best way to find help is talking to a therapist or visit a psychiatrist for medical help. However, that is not always ideal or a reachable goal due to financial issues or time constraints.

    Try reaching out to friends and family and build a support structure that you find helps you the best. Some will be repelled by it and some will embrace you. Some people aren’t accustomed to helping people with depression and that is ok. Some will not know what to say or how to support you, usually resorting to “tough love” and toxic positivity. Try to have patience with them. There is a lot of misinformation and myths that surround depression and so they are drawing upon it. Just know they are trying to help, but are doing it wrong. Educate them and let them know what type of help/support you need and are looking for.

    For my girlfriend, she just needs someone to listen and validate her feelings. No advice or logical solutions. So for you, YMMV.

    It is important to know that having depression is like wearing a 50lb weighted backpack that you constantly wear, tiring you out a lot faster. So make small goals throughout the day that you can do. It can be picking up clothes for 5 mins or brushing your teeth in the morning. Use small goals to help motivate you to do the more energy intensive daily tasks. It is better to work your way up to a goal than to jump into the deep end and drown.


    Overall, I hope you find the help you need and I hope to see your success one day.

  7. Routines and proper habits with a major emphasis on consistency and goalsetting…have discipline and willpower to push through at times when motivation isn’t possible.

  8. I like to make money so I am either always working or trying to come with ways to make money. Keeps me very busy, but somehow I always have time to work out, take care of my dog, and cook most of my meals. I am single with no kids so that probably helps.

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