How do you manage to love your personality in a (media) world focused on our looks/body?

  1. I try to remind myself that without a beautiful personality, a body is not worth nearly as much!

  2. Don’t do media. AdBlocks everywhere. Dramatic Eyeliner ™. Androgynous clothes. Fuck the system.

  3. I avoid media focused around looks

    I try to consume only a small amount of media. And also try to curate the media I consume to what I like. And I don’t like focusing on looks.

  4. Remind yourself of the qualities you admire in others that have nothing to do with their looks. And emulate those qualities.

  5. i refuse to surround myself with the kind of influences that make me feel bad about my looks

  6. Not to sound overly LA, but go on a social media cleanse.
    Delete apps off of your phone.
    If you can’t, unfollow/block accounts that make you feel bad about yourself.

    Also take a look at yourself and your behaviour? What ideas of beauty do you have internalized?
    Whenever I see someone that I don’t think is attractive, the mean & habitual voice in my heads starts to criticise whatever aspect of them I don’t like. In my head, I’ve started talking back to that voice, and kind of defend the person. It slowly programs you into challenging your automatic thoughts and assumptions about people.

    And all of it while keeping your mouth shut!
    Other people shouldn’t be subjected to me having internalized bullshit about looks and beauty.

    This in the long term, made me less judgy, and be more open to actually focus on personality, general energy/confidence/vibe, which I like much more.

  7. Looks fade no matter how much plastic surgery you get, personality never fades.

  8. Because the world doesn’t dictate who I am. That’s between me and God.

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