Hello! I’ve been struggling with how to approach something for the last week or so and thought I’d ask here 🙂 sorry it’s so vague, I didn’t want to make it easily identifiable

The background is that I have a friend who lives several states away, so we don’t see each other in person often. Additionally, while we get along very well, I wouldn’t say we’re close friends at this point – we’re part of a larger group that’s quite spread out and where there are some subsets of closer pairings. So this is someone I get along great with in person, but we rarely if ever text.

A few months ago we saw each other in person, and they told me about some tough things their family was going through. We had a heartfelt conversation at the time, but given the context above, haven’t talked much again since we haven’t seen each other one on one recently.

About a week ago we did reconnect over text about an exciting development in their life – at first I’ve been unsure if I should ask them for a status update over text (unsure if it’s appropriate given the fact we’re not \_super\_ close and the fact that some people don’t like to talk about tough things over text). However, in their most recent message they have hinted that the same issues are still persisting.

Given that they’ve brought it up, at this point I think it would be rude not to check-in, so I’ve come here to ask how I can most politely do so over text. Thank you for any advice!

  1. Being honest is probably what I would do. Just tell them you wanted to check how things are going. Most people I know like it when other people show interest in how they’re doing. If he doesn’t feel comfortable with talking about it over text he will probably tell you and even then your concern will probably be appreciated

  2. Literally type: “Hey there, just checking in. Let me know how it’s going.”

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