Whenever I’m with others, my mind is unfocused and I’m basically on autopilot. But whenever I’m alone, i feel completely focused and my mind is clear. Has anyone dealt with this? And how can it be fixed?

  1. I have this. If I try and focus on the flow of the conversation I may have 1 thought I want to say, and I have to work hard to maintain that in order to input it into the conversation.

  2. That sounds like it could be social anxiety. Your body goes into a little more fight or flight so you behave more automatically. You can start reminding yourself you’re safe and loved. Also take breaks in the bathroom to take a deep breath and really feel it going in. It will take practice but you can become more grounded. I also sometimes think this is just a bit how socializing is. Self transcendence just happens in groups. I think some people enjoy it and can swim through it and enjoy feeling each others energy and a little outside of their internal personal experience and for others it’s disorienting and uncomfortable. And the same person can experience both at different times in their life.

  3. It’s social anxiety. Numb your mind if you can, go blank and come back into the situation. Helps me. Know that your judging yourself more harshly than anyone else could and try to relax. Put yourself in more social situations, it will become easier as you talk to people more often. Don’t ignore people, talk to people you run into for practice.

  4. This is definitely me i get home and start saying oh could have done that etc and can be crystal clear with confidence. But when im in the situation all that falls apart

  5. Workout before going out. Trust me. 10000% improvement both psychological and emotional and of course making you look better too!

    Wholeheartedly recommend you try this. ❤️

  6. Could be too much stimulation if you’re already like add or ADHD it’s just because all everything’s going on at once a lot of stimulations colors lights sounds and then people and social norms and this and Dad and etc and what have you and the next thing you know your mind is cloudy I go through the same types of things and it’ll get worse too like if you already have something on your mind before you get there and it’ll get worse it’ll get even more cloudy after that

  7. I strongly suggest reading the power of now by Eckhart Tolle, and then read it again.

  8. Wow I have this issue too, it’s like my brain goes into a fog like when I’m at work and I tend to make mistakes because of it. I’ll stutter, have memory issues, and not talk because I’m trapped inside my mind. However when I’m home I’m expressing myself freely to those I live with and my brain clears up. It sucks having to deal with it because normal people without anxiety navigate through world freely and have trouble understanding why you sometimes aren’t present in the moment since they don’t have the same struggles.

  9. For me it’s pure overstimulation. I don’t have anxiety but I do have like, lower CPU for social stuff than most. I can’t think of what to say the way another person might not be able to describe their childhood bedroom while juggling on a unicycle and chewing gum.

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