Really, one of the moments i hates, is that when i have nothing to say

  1. Sometimes silence is a nice thing to share with a friend – sometimes there is silence with some close friends of mine but we are all comfortable with each other and have known each other for 10 years so it’s no problem. Conversation shouldn’t always be forced

  2. Yep it’s annoying when people just talk for the sake of talking like it’s the end of the world if you have a moment of silence.

  3. “Don’t you hate that? Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it’s necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? That’s when you know you’ve found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.”

    Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction.

    Something I knew as a kid, unlearned in early adulthood, and have come back around on, is knowing that comfort is whatever it needs to be depending on who I’m with, and that not at the cost of anyone else’s innocent comfort will I enjoy my own comfort as I need to. Sometimes I feel like talking, and sometimes not, and I owe it to myself to behave as I would most like to for my own sake.

    If you are seeking to avoid silence, then you don’t need advice; say whatever comes to mind, because you are not interested in the conversation but only in avoiding silence, and no specific topic will meet that goal any easier than another or just making noise for its own sake.

    If you want to converse, then consider topics of mutual interest, or that the other party is interested and knowledgeable about – humans typically enjoy talking about themselves and find it easier to do so, and if the other person is on a subject of interest then they will be more engaged. Plus if you are interested but unlearned in the topic, it provides you a burst of interest and an opportunity for learning as well.

  4. “Don’t you hate that? Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it’s necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? That’s when you know you’ve found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.”

    Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction.

    Something I knew as a kid, unlearned in early adulthood, and have come back around on, is knowing that comfort is whatever it needs to be depending on who I’m with, and that not at the cost of anyone else’s innocent comfort will I enjoy my own comfort as I need to. Sometimes I feel like talking, and sometimes not, and I owe it to myself to behave as I would most like to for my own sake.

    If you are seeking to avoid silence, then you don’t need advice; say whatever comes to mind, because you are not interested in the conversation but only in avoiding silence, and no specific topic will meet that goal any easier than another or just making noise for its own sake.

    If you want to converse, then consider topics of mutual interest, or that the other party is interested and knowledgeable about – humans typically enjoy talking about themselves and find it easier to do so, and if the other person is on a subject of interest then they will be more engaged. Plus if you are interested but unlearned in the topic, it provides you a burst of interest and an opportunity for learning as well.

  5. If it helps, think about the fact that they also have nothing to say. It’s not just you. But if you just fill the silence just ask them a question. Or pull up Reddit and go to AskReddit and have some fun reading the questions and answers and answering them for yourselves, like ice breakers.

  6. what’s wrong with silence? i feel closer to someone when i can share that with them comfortably. speaking just for the sake of it is worse

  7. Conversation is a two way street. You do not have to bear the burden of making conversation by yourself. Your anxiety is what is causing you to behave that way. Don’t stress. The silence is not as awkward as you think.

  8. Say something. Even if it isn’t interesting you can all laugh at how dumb it was lol! Tell a joke. Any news source will give you things to talk about. Once the silence is broken chatter with follow…

  9. You can’t avoid it. It’s something to learn to be okay with, check in on yourself see how you’re doing what you, etc.

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