So I’m seeing a band tonight I’ve loved for ages but none of my friends do. Ticket was really cheap so I thought why not go alone, I know I’ll enjoy the music and I also thought it could be a good thing to go alone anyway (even though I’d much prefer not to be).

I just know I’m going to feel self conscious in there and feel like a loner. I don’t ever do gigs alone and I want to be able to enjoy it, even if I am alone, and ideally maybe meet people there.

I’m not that great at socialising with strangers outside of a formal settings like a workplace drink etc. I’d quite like to speak to some fellow fans tonight so I don’t feel completely alone but I’m not sure how to go about it as it can come across weird when a stranger approaches you randomly and strikes up a conversation.

Does any one have any tips for me tonight?

  1. honestly, just don’t over think it. go with the art of non-thinking, pure feeling. feel the energy of the crowd, feel the energy of the band, go with the flow. smile, laugh, nod, dance, enjoy yourself. everyone is there for the exact same reason, a few hours to relax and let their mind be at ease from their normal everyday life. nobody is there to judge you.

  2. Concerts are a great thing to go to alone because you don’t NEED to talk to anyone, just enjoy the music! So don’t feel like you need to be self conscious about being alone—doing things alone is badass.

    But if you do see people who seem interesting and wanna strike up a conversation, you could smile and compliment their outfit/dance moves/style etc. If you’ve got a statement piece clothing/jewelry wise you’d feel comfortable in, that could help get convos started too. Could also ask people near you if there’s a particular song they’re hoping to hear, or if they’ve heard the latest album. Also I like to have gum on me to share, generally gets a warm response!

    Mainly just remember you’re a brave badass for going to do something you enjoy alone, and you’ve got a shared interest with everyone in the room so you’ve got a head start on connecting with whoever you may decide to approach. Have a blast!

  3. I go to the concerts only alone and it’s the best feeling in the world. When you’re alone you don’t need to think about anybody except yourself, you’re fulfilling only your needs. At the concerts no one cares about you at all and it’s super great.

    When I go to the concert I think about it as a time only for me, I dress super comfortably, dance and scream as much as I want and just let go of myself fully.

    I don’t feel the need to talk to other fans and socialise, so I can’t give you any advice there, but I recommend you to just enjoy yourself and the music as much as possible.

  4. Strike up a conversation in line to get in, in line to grab merchandise, in line to the restroom. If there’s breaks during the concert turn to someone next to you and go “man, this concert is super good” let them respond and then follow up with something pertaining to the band or ask something else

  5. Make enjoying the moment the priority, any interacting with others a secondary goal. If you’re fully present-minded and suspend judgements and thoughts to be more open in your body to take in everything, it may help make things easier.

  6. If you see someone else stood alone, it’s super easy to just walk up and say “hey are you out solo too?” or similar, and then follow up with a question like how’d you hear about this band or whatever.

  7. If you’re worried about coming off as weird to strangers, let the conversations be circumstantial and just happen to be conversing with whoever is nearby.

    For instance, DO chat with the people in line next to you, DO chat with the people standing directly beside you in the crowd. And if those people aren’t reciprocating, normally the crowd shifts so that you’re next to different folks to try to connect with. Or you could move spots!

    But I’d recommend against singling out specific strangers by physically going out of your way approach them… Ive gathered this behaviour seems flirty / creepy / odd because you’ve specifically picked them out of all people. But if you see someone who looks REALLY approachable, I think it’s worth a shot to go up to them and say “I love your energy” as a conversation starter. I’m the kind of extrovert that loves when people just randomly come up to me at shows, say hi, and join my intense dancing 🙂

  8. Whoever is next to you… “so how long have you/you all been listening to *band name”*

    I remember my first concert alone and these two girls sat by me and that’s how I started talking to them and it felt super organic.

    Going to shows alone is really fun bc you can do what you want, when you want, no waiting for someone in the bathroom, getting drinks, etc

  9. Thanks for making this post. I bought a ticket last week to go to a very big concert later this summer by myself. I’m very excited but also was kinda sad that I am going alone and was wondering/hoping how I’d meet some cool like minded people there.

  10. I actually went to concert alone. It wasn’t as bad as I thought tbh. Just kinda did wish I had went with someone for company but overall not bad. I got two beers and sat in my seat and enjoye it.

  11. “Hey, I like your shirt/bag/hat. I’ve been looking for one. Where’d you get it?”

  12. I was nervous my first time too, but I’ve done it several times since. It’s soo fun, meeting people is soo easy too. You’re all there likely to see the same person so you already have something to talk about.

  13. Couple of drinks helps as well to start conversation and mellow down overthinking

  14. Greeting them with a big fat concert joint Would be a great icebreaker

  15. I’ve gone to multiple concerts alone this year and they’re all great fun! I usually just vibe with the people near me, and say stuff like: “Omg I hope they play xyz”, “I love this song”, “Your dance moves are lit” “what did you think of the support band?” etc. But mostly I’m just there to vibe and being alone allows you the freedom to move spots, get drinks whenever you want and you don’t have to stress about finding your friends again. Hope you had a blast!

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