I was reading a post on here about making friends and people were saying you have to be fun and poke fun at your friends to deepen the friendship. What if that’s not who you are? I don’t consider myself to be “fun” I don’t stay up until 2:00 drinking and partying. I enjoy having deep conversations with people and I don’t like making fun of people. Am I just screwed then? Or should you pretend to be someone you’re not in order to get friends?

  1. You don’t have to be someone you’re not.

    But one of my collegues have an ability to make fun of others without evil. I think this really helps him to establish relationships. This is not given to everyone.

  2. Not at all. Just find other not fun folk. We all got a twin within 30 miles we haven’t met yet.

  3. So somebody said you have to “poke fun” at people (ie. “roast them”) in order to deepen the friendship? You can believe that if you want but I don’t agree.

    On the other hand, knowing how to “have fun” when you’re with people, or even if you’re by yourself, IS a valuable skill and one anybody should want to develop.

  4. Fun is only one personality trait of MANY.
    You can be “kind”
    You can be “helpful”
    You can be “empathic”
    You can be “loving”

    You can create your own personalities without being fun yet people will still love you.

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