I’m a secondary school student (I guess in the US that would be high school or sumn) and my current school has a small population so my options of people to be friends with are somewhat limited. Another factor would be the fact everyone seems to have just known each other for ages while I’m just an unrecognisable person who only joined this year in an odd year group.

Because of that I want to know if it’s possible at all to just randomly make genuine friends with people my age outside of school. I always hear people say to join like bookclubs, etc but what if that’s not something common or widely available? My parents have offered me to maybe join animation classes or something of the kind but I decline since my parents already pay so much for basic needs and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to manage that with school.

Currently I only have a few acquaintances from school which tbh I just don’t click with at all and a few long distance friends from my previous school that either I contact occasionally or have just given up on texting since they reply once a month

1 comment
  1. If you have any interests, then go to events about this topic. For example, car convention, motorcycle convention, concerts, festivals, clubs. Because the same interests can bring people together. It is normal if you don’t find anyone at first, be patient, and don’t give up.

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