So it has happened to me a lot of time, where I made out and kissed with a girl on the dance floor, and then at some points she told me she needed to go to the bathroom or she needed to go find her friends. I got her phone number just to never see her again. Did I do anything wrong here, or what should I do to follow up after that either on the same night or on the day after?

Also from my point of view, sometimes I made out with a girl too early in the night (11:30-12am) that i feel weird just ask her to go back to my place.

tl;dr: I cannot close on the girls that i made out with. Need some advices

  1. Close?

    Moments in life have their own trajectory. You can have a fun moment with someone, but that doesn’t mean that something more meaningful will happen.

  2. “Close?”

    Man how much you’re gonna miss in life if you keep acting like sex is the end goal.

    Maybe get to know women instead of preying on them.

  3. Lmfao “close”. Stop watching fucking pick up artists for one.

    These women aren’t getting back to you probably because they’re appalled and have standards.

    Just because you’re out there trying to fuck a random stranger and blindly accepting the risks that come with it, doesn’t mean everyone is.

    These women don’t owe you anything and honestly, they’re getting so so lucky, because it’s probably obvious that you’re interacting with them just to fuck them.

    Women are more than just a hole for you to conquer.

  4. The question isn’t why don’t I get as much random sex as other guys; it’s how do I know that other guys are telling you the truth?

    I’ve read this thread and first, you ask if isn’t it the point of going out to get laid? Then you say that that’s not your goal, you just want to have fun. You gotta have more patience and you gotta decide if you want a relationship or random sex.

    You also have to understand that women risk a lot when they go home with someone they just met. Will they be sexually assaulted, or worse? That’s one big reason they don’t go home with you. Sure, your not a rapist, but they don’t know that.

    I think you just need to accept the fact that random sex just doesn’t happen as much as you think it does. And don’t follow anyone around a bar. That’s just creepy.

  5. The problem is that you’re seeing “closing” as the goal. Most girls don’t want to have sex with someone the same night they meet them. It makes them feel like you are just using them for sex (which won’t be enjoyable from their standpoint since ONS sex is terrible for women). Of course girls aren’t going to keep talking to you when they can sense that this is what you want.

    Also; need more info.. you asked “am I doing anything wrong here” it seems like if women consistently randomly leave, you are doing something to make them uncomfortable. How much are you touching them? How drunk are you?

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