What are your honest thoughts on the National Hockey League?

  1. For the next 20 minutes, you will sit in silence while I tell you why the Detroit Red Wings are the greatest franchise in the history of sports. On September 25, 1926…

  2. I’m a fair weather fan who only follows the NHL when my team is doing well. That’s true for all sports except the NBA.

  3. If you can see past the irony that cities south of the state of Pennsylvania actually have franchises (I mean, we’ve got Florida and Las Vegas in the Stanley Cup this year for crying out loud), it’s a great league and sport to follow.

  4. I have no objections. I don’t follow hockey but I definitely respect it as a sport and I love watching games in person even though I don’t understand all the rules or the roles of each position.

  5. It exists. It is one of several things I only look up if I’m going to be driving near the stadium in case I need to dodge traffic.

  6. I don’t follow hockey, but something about the post season always manages to draw me in.

  7. It’s the best postseason in sports. Hockey is an awesome sport and I think it would be way more popular today had the NHL gone with ESPN instead of NBC for their TV deal. That really hurt exposure in the US.

  8. If I’m being honest here, for the longest time I thought the Florida panthers were in Jacksonville. Although we have 2 teams in Florida I don’t know if I know anyone who watches.

  9. I’ve never watched an entire NHL game on TV, and have never been to one in person. I don’t even know where the nearest NHL team to me is based out of.

    We have a AA ECHL team in our city though, and I try to get out to one of their games once every year or two.

  10. I like hockey, but hockey in June and in the desert or swamps feels morally wrong.

    And the fact Canadian teams haven’t been able to truly compete in the league for 30 some odd years in a sport they invented doesn’t sit right either, even if it’s sort of funny.

  11. I enjoy watching Hockey.

    I especially enjoyed that the Boston Bruins blew a 3-1 series lead to a wild card team.

  12. Hockey is The Best Sport. NHL is the pinnacle of hockey. Therefor the NHL is the pinnacle of sports.

    Seriously though they have two big problems:

    * Consistency. The lack of consistency in the application of rules, from the on ice officiating through to punishments from the the department of player safety is a fucking travesty.
    * For the love of god SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! I’m sorry I have to do *what* in order to watch my home team play legally? I can get ESPN+… and watch everything *except* my team? Or I can get cable and pay a fuck ton of money. To watch 3 hours of one channel per week half the year. Or I can pay just as much as cable to stream cable. Oh what is that I hear you say? I can’t watch the national games because my cable package doesn’t cover those with either option? Go. Fuck. Yourself. Oh look at this nice pirate stream that has *EVERY SINGLE GAME LIVE*. Dear NHL: Stop fucking around and give me a package to stream, direct from you, every pre-season, regular season, and post-season game. In 1080p. I’ll even pay extra to disable your god-awful digital board ads.

  13. I love hockey.

    I wish the NHL did a couple of things differently but otherwise it’s my favorite sport to watch and has been since I was a kid. IMO, MLB would be just as good as the NHL if they went to robo umps.

  14. I’m a Minnesotan with an almost abusive relationship with Minnesotan sports, but usually the Wild are the least disappointing of them.

    I will never forgive the NHL for the existence of the Dallas Stars though.

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