Say a guy owned a pet rabbit and went out in public with it. How would people react to that compared to a guy going out in public with say a cute puppy?

  1. I think the public would find it mildly interesting, and then most would probably move on with only a potential handful of individuals taking interest.

  2. Mostly an internal *weird flex, but ok* with the occasional *I wanna pet the bunny*.

  3. I didn’t say anything to the guy walking a turtle probably won’t say anything to the rabbit guy either.

  4. There is a guy that comes downtown every weekend in my city with his pet rabbit on his shoulder. Some people stare and smile/laugh some also come up to pet and ask about the rabbit. The rabbit doesn’t have a care in the world and never even attempts to leave his shoulder even if dogs are around barking.

  5. I guess in both cases I would wonder why they’re doing it

    Unless the guy is walking his puppy, of course

    But if he’s carrying a puppy or a rabbit, I would wonder why

  6. That was me in university and grad school. I had a couple bunnies as pets that I loved with all my heart and soul. The male, Nimnyn, would go hang out with me in the apartment’s grassy areas and would occasionally go on walks in his bunny chest carrier my mom got me for Christmas one year. Most people wanted to pet him and would marvel at how soft my little guy was. He was a mini rex rabbit who are bred to have a coat as soft as velvet and as smooth as silk. He was a living velveteen rabbit!

    It very much had the cute puppy effect with women, but it was more unique, most guys not taking rabbits for walks…

    God, I miss him so much…

  7. Hopefully in a calmer manner due to knowing how easily rabbits spook and not wanting to scare the poor animal to death.

  8. Let’s be honest, that rabbit is gonna get a lot of attention

    I saw someone walking their ferret once and he was well popular

  9. Had a friend who did this. We assumed his wife was pining for a kid… A few months after they started treating the rabbit like a kid she was pregnant. Honestly it was a bit odd having someone show up to the pub with a fecking rabbit on a lead!

  10. Would think nothing of it. A guy in my town walks around with some animal I don’t even know what it is but looks like a small otter (I don’t think it’s actually an otter but I don’t know what it is and it’s the only comparable thing in my mind lmao) in the basket of his bike.

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