i’ve seen couples say it’s weird to see your wife use the bathroom, or even see them naked out of sexual activity like what?

  1. I’m in-between being comfortable seeing her naked outside of sexual activity, but not 100% comfortable seeing her use the restroom.

  2. I hide nothing from her. We’ve been together almost 13 years and I plan to grow old with this woman. She is going to see me at my worst and grossest weather I like it or not, so It’s best to give up the shame and accept the same from her.

  3. We’re extremely comfortable around each other. Happens after 24 years. Doors are optional in our home, lol.

  4. No interest in either of us seeing each other poop. Gone 18 years without seeing t and I’m cool with that. That’s the only thing I’m 100% adamant about never getting used to. I’ll change my wife’s tampons (only happened a couple times) or help her out in yeast infection medicine. I’m out on seeing her poop or wipe shit.

  5. Extremely comfortable. She’s my best friend. I still don’t ever want to see her pooping though.

  6. My wife will come in and use the bathroom while I’m brushing my teeth. It’s unsettling.

  7. Ive wiped her ass when she was in the hospital because she was temporary paralyzed. My comfort level is unbelievable

  8. Caring for each other means we’d see each other at our worst in the aftermath of an accident or illness. But that seems almost in a separate category because it’s due to circumstances behind our control. Other than that it’s either sexy time or personal time, like being in bed together. Not going to take a dump with the bathroom door open or vice versa.

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