31 here. Feel like dating is just brutal nowdays. Not sure its because im in my 30s or is it just a brutal dating market out here

  1. Whenever this gets asked the general consensus is that it is better in your 30s, due to financial stability, more confidence, a wide net of ages you have access too, and if you’re in shape you have a great mix for success.

    This was also my experience when I was 31

  2. My experience is that when I was in my teens and 20s, dating was pretty easy. When I was in my 30s, it was like I could use dating apps and sort of passively wait for women to reach out to me. I found a few I liked, then picked one to date seriously.

    As you age, if you’re doing okay, the odds switch to men’s favor.

    The reasons are severalfold. At every stage of life, men have a higher mortality rate than women (so, just more women than men). Also, women are not as willing to date down educationally as men are. So, if you’re well educated, in decent health, not an asshole, etc. then as you age you become more of a catch.

    Obviously, this varies by region. There are cities where the gender imbalance doesn’t work like it does in the generality.

  3. It’s getting brutal for the younger ones too and it’s also getting brutal because you’re older.

    All in all it’s a bad time to be a man looking for a relationship.

  4. Get jacked and make lots of money then go out and approach at women bars with a friend or two.

    I know its crazy but it just might work, you can easily go for 23 year old+

  5. The weirdest thing I experienced while dating in my 30’s (especially late 30’s) was people judging me because I was never married. My reaction was always “Do you think it would be better if I was divorced and paying alimony and child support?”

  6. In my experience dating in my 30s was a million times easier than my 20s. People know what they want and life experience makes it far easier to weed out people.

  7. I’m 41 and dating more than ever, with better quality dates (and some amazing casual partners).

  8. If you’re financially successful, or at least ok, you don’t look too old (hair, wrinkles) and you’re not ugly it gets easier, since at 31 you can date women from 24 to 38, otherwise it gets harder.

  9. It’s very hard nowadays. Thanks to apps you’re competing 80% or more in image alone so the old average looks + good personality combo don’t work like they used to.

  10. really difficult to organise a date, 50% chance they flake on the day. 99% of dates = no spark. Relationships that do progress end in situationships.

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