My girlfriend has been away for a bit for work and is coming over tonight. I already know we’re going to have sex, but I want to wear something that when she walks in, she will want to rip off whatever I’m wearing.

I plan on wearing a nice pair of Celvin Klein underwear (which i know she loves), but I don’t know what type of shirt/top I should wear.

Ladies, what would the lingerie equivalent for a man be that would turn you on if you came home to him wearing?

I have a bit of a dad bod, so I want to use that for reference.

  1. Dude I want to know too! I’ll always ask my wife to wear some sexy ass lingerie. But like how do I dress for her that is the same visual appeal?

  2. Nothing! Just be hard for her already! We like to see your nakedness in all its hardened glory! I LOVE to see my hubby standing there butt naked and rock hard! 🤤🤤🤤

  3. A tank top and shorts while vacuuming, doing the dishes, or mowing the lawn.

  4. A nice crisp white tee or beater.

    For me personally I’m less visual but some good smelling cologne tho will make my head turn every time.

  5. I have yet to see my fiancé in medical scrubs or any kind of uniform besides his shop shirt at work. He’s got a dad bod and I like it when he’s just in jeans Barefoot and no shirt.

  6. I tell my husband all the time, there is nothing sexier to me than a man wearing blue jeans and no shirt while he’s doing some manly man shit like fixing a car or building something. Bonus points if he’s super sweaty and kinda dirty.

  7. I got my husband some ultra-soft black pajama pants and some tiny, soft black briefs. I call them man panties. We also have matching soft black robes. If we are starting off slow, he’s wearing all of that with no shirt.

  8. Honestly? My man turns me on anytime of day. He’s currently welding in front of me, and it’s a turn on for me. He’ll walk around the house in just his boxers and a tank top and if he said, ‘let’s go upstairs’ you bet your ass I’m running up stairs stripping.

  9. Spandex 👏🏻boxer 👏🏻 briefs 👏🏻

    Other than that anything that highlights your arms, shoulders, or hips

  10. Hey, so before she comes home make sure every single chore is done. So she’s coming home to a clean house and such.

    Will take a huge mental load off.

    And have a note for her to meet you in the shower 🚿

  11. Do some shorts and an open casual button up shirt. Those are irresistible. It’s like almost you’re naked but not quite so it’s like a tease. Easy to take off too

  12. What is it with grey sweats? I have heard it mentioned in other subs. Don’t understand the appeal. Are they are certain of sweats?

  13. I love the fresh out of the shower smell with sweats or joggers. T-shirt is optional.

  14. First, make something for her to nosh on and something to drink. Wine and a small charcuterie board would be nice. Think of it as draping a sexy outfit on the environment. Music can be make it or break it, so stick to something you know she loves. Next, get in the shower and scrub all those hard-to-reach places like they’re your shameful internet search history. Lastly, strap on those Calvin’s and ravish her like you’re on death row and she’s your last meal.

  15. For myself and other women I know (won’t speak for all), it’s more about setting the mood than about what you’re wearing. So, clean house, smell-goods of her choice (if she likes candles, glade fresheners, etc), some music playing, maybe have some of her drink and/or dessert of choice ready to go.

    If I got home and my husband had a margarita and chocolate cake for me I’d jump him like immediately.

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