I had a one night stand last August while working at a festival and I’ve only just told my mum.i was 16 and a half at the time and I was sure that it was something I wanted- I even bought protection just incase. 16 is the legal age of consent so I see nothing wrong with what I did as it’s my body and something I wanted. However, my mum is upset saying that I shouldn’t have sex with people I don’t really know and that the company I work for should have stopped it and looked out for me. Obviously they can’t stop me doing something with my body and they’re all really caring and supportive- especially of the younger workers so I felt comfortable and confident that if there was something wrong I could get help.

Does anyone have any advice on what I should say to my mum- is her upset justified?

  1. NAH to me. Your points are all valid, but your mom is just looking out for you in her way.

    When my daughters get to that age, I’ll be worried about that too. Even as pro sex as I am, it’s a concern all parents are probably going to have at one point.

  2. It’s quite tricky here, both you and your mother’s views are not something that could be labelled as wrong here. Your view is correct from your pov and so does her’s as a mother looking out for her child. Idk why she held the company responsible and I don’t agree with that. As your mum’s views are different here it’s not unusual that she got upset on hearing it out. You could try consoling her and make her understand your point, but she can’t be made to understand your points that easily and it could take a while for her to even start to see your side of things. And I do think that you can’t change someone’s perspective of something as they are probably brought up with that belief and it’s so hard to leave them or see the other side of it unless they have a bit of an open mind. If not, whatever or however you try it’s gonna become a big argument and does no good to either of you. So try talking to her about your side of things a couple of times after which it’s better to stop explaining yourself to her.

  3. I don’t care how young you are, it’s not the employers responsibility.

    That said your mom is just looking out for your best interest. Whether legal age or not you’re still young and hook ups with virtual strangers can be dangerous

  4. Yes her being concerned for your safety is justified.

    Yes its your body and your defision but most parents cant just shrug and say nothing if they think your health and safety is at risk. And if you are sharing this stuff with her, you open yourself uo to those opinions.

  5. Im not defending your mother however if I’m trying to look at it from her perspective it almost seems like she may just have been in a bit of shock.
    She probably had an idea of how that moment would of been for you and just needs time to process that it wasn’t like that. It sounds like she cares about you and just wants you to be safe which you were. As long as you’re okay with how it was for you, then it doesn’t really matter what others think and in time your mum will come around.

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