Is there something you do that is fun, positive and reassuring to your partner?

  1. My girlfriend is really into gems and crystals so i’ll just say : if you want new rock, you suck the cock lol

    Edit : its a joke relax lol😂

  2. Women aren’t obligated to give men sex, but men also aren’t obligated to go out of their way to offer some cartoonish over the top reassurance that they’re not disappointed being stuck with blue balls.

  3. Ask what they want to do instead. Ask if they want to watch a movie and order takeout or something. Something else that’s intimate or that makes you close with them.

  4. Laugh it off and move on, life’s to short to worry about it. Rub one out and focus on doing something else that you now have time to do. Far better to be confident in yourself.

  5. “No? Okay, I’m happy to move at whatever pace you want. But laying it out there, I find you really really attractive.”

  6. >bid for sexytime

    It might just be that bidding for it is not the way to go.


    >Is there something you do that is fun, positive and reassuring to your partner?

    Wouldn’t that be something the partner who rejected you should do?

  7. My partner says “do you mind if we just cuddle” and I say “I would LOVE to cuddle you. What would you like on TV?”

  8. “Okay, it’s your loss” – I used to say this to girls in the bar when I was younger and still say it sarcastically to my wife.

  9. I don’t think you need to be fun or anything ..

    Just be like ‘ok’. Then go have a wank or get some schnaks

  10. “Oh damn ok, i will just take the shovel and go to the cemetery for a while”

  11. I tell her, “OK, I’ll be back in a while. I’m going to see one of my side chicks”.

  12. Do I do something fun, positive and reassuring to my partner? when I’m the one being rejected???

    No, but I sometimes do something fun and positive – in the other room while on the computer involving one hand, some lube, and some porn.

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