Me and my girlfriend had sex last night and during it i think the last 20-30seconds my condom slipped inside her pussy, i dont even know how that happend and why it did happen to me, i was in shock, tried to calm myself down and my girl, but thankfully i took out the condom with my finger, it wasnt too deep, i just got it out, but is it possible for pregnancy? I did not cum, i wasnt even close, this happend during while i was f her, in this 30seconds that the condom slipped and i was doing it raw uncontrollably, is there any possible chance of pregnancy?

  1. It’s highly unlikely, if you leaked precum then yeah there is a chance but if not then you should be good

  2. There is always a chance with unprotected sex that pregnancy could be a result because of pre-cum. If you were not close it is unlikely that you were at that moment so you’re probably good but she should probably just take a Plan B to be careful.
    And maybe you need to look into going down a size if it slipped off because it definitely should not. I’ve had them break before from rough sex but if it’s just coming off of you I would definitely say it’s too big.

  3. Even if it’s “unlikely”, would you rather just get a pill now or anxiously wait until her next period?

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