We’ve never been shy at adopting tech, how do you see our country developing and adopting with AI? Try to think beyond wider use of what’s possible to a point today..!

  1. There’s going to be a *lot* of pain in terms of job losses before we start to notice the positive impact of it on various other things. It’s going to upend plenty of industries.

  2. According to a futurist James Canton, we’re likely to see significant changes in fields such as artificial intelligence, space exploration, combinations of augmented and mixed reality, and quantum computing over the next five years.

    AI will help older people stay independent and live in their own homes longer. AI tools will keep nutritious food available, safely reach objects on high shelves, and monitor movement in a OAP’s home. The tools could mow lawns, keep windows washed and even help with bathing and hygiene..

    The 2021 report by Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences explores the various ways AI is increasingly touching people’s lives in settings that range from movie recommendations and voice assistants to autonomous driving and automated medical diagnoses.

  3. Just looking at ChatGTP you can see how education could change. University’s are going to pretend it’s not happening and then it will go wrong for them. As soon as hiring companies start recognising knowledge and practical experience over a University degree the house of cards falls down. If ChatGPT can personalise training to an individual you don’t need a University to take your money anymore.

  4. I feel like we’ll see more better features on wearable technology like smart watches. I have this theory that one day Samsung/Apple will be able to build some sort of sensor on their devices to maybe detect cancer and/or other diseases early and therefore able to be treated much earlier and sooner.

    I know in the early days of this tech, many were warning people about heart attacks before they happened which was a major breakthrough in tech. Latest breakthrough being car crash detection and being able to call the emergency services. It’s surely got to be before long where they can detect more illnesses

  5. I asked chatGPT your question, here’s what it replied:

    >In the next 5-10 years, AI is likely to have a significant impact on daily life in the UK. Here are some ways in which AI could change various aspects of our lives:
    >**Personal assistants and smart devices:** AI-powered personal assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, or Alexa will become even more capable and integrated into our homes. They will assist with tasks such as managing schedules, controlling smart devices, and providing personalized recommendations.
    >**Healthcare and diagnostics:** AI will play a crucial role in revolutionizing healthcare. It can assist doctors in diagnosing diseases more accurately, analyzing medical images, and predicting patient outcomes. Telemedicine and remote monitoring using AI-powered devices will make healthcare more accessible and efficient.
    >**Transportation:** Autonomous vehicles will become more prevalent, transforming transportation in the UK. Self-driving cars and delivery drones may become common, leading to safer roads, reduced congestion, and improved logistics.
    >**Education:** AI will enhance personalized learning experiences. Intelligent tutoring systems can adapt to individual students’ needs, providing personalized feedback and assistance. AI-powered tools will also assist teachers in administrative tasks and grading, enabling them to focus more on individualized instruction.
    >**Smart cities:** AI will contribute to the development of smart cities in the UK. Systems will optimize energy consumption, manage traffic flow, and improve public safety through predictive analytics. AI can also facilitate waste management and efficient allocation of resources.
    >**Customer service:** Chatbots and virtual assistants will continue to improve and provide more accurate and personalized customer service experiences. AI algorithms will analyze customer data to anticipate needs, offer tailored recommendations, and resolve queries efficiently.
    >**Finance and banking:** AI will continue to disrupt the financial sector. Robo-advisors will provide personalized investment advice based on individuals’ financial goals and risk profiles. Fraud detection systems will use AI algorithms to identify suspicious activities and enhance security.
    >**Entertainment and media:** AI will have a significant impact on the entertainment industry. Streaming services will use AI algorithms to recommend personalized content based on viewers’ preferences. AI-generated content, such as music, art, and literature, may become more prevalent.
    >**Cybersecurity:** As AI evolves, so does the sophistication of cyber threats. AI-powered cybersecurity systems will be crucial in detecting and preventing cyber attacks, as well as providing real-time threat intelligence.
    >**Workplace automation:** AI and automation will impact the workforce. Routine and repetitive tasks can be automated, allowing employees to focus on higher-value work that requires creativity and problem-solving skills. However, this may also necessitate the need for upskilling and retraining to adapt to the changing job market.
    >It’s important to note that while AI brings numerous benefits, there are also ethical considerations, such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the potential impact on jobs. These factors will need to be addressed as AI continues to shape our daily lives in the UK.

  6. I think Evri will invest heavily into it so they can comprehensively fuck up even the most simple delivery

  7. We will look back on the ai boom like shell suits and clackers and say to ourselves “how could we be so gullible”.

  8. I could write an essay with my thoughts but we only have Narrow AI (ANI) at the moment and have done for years. People _think_ we have General AI (AGI), and this ignorance poses FAR more of a risk than AI itself.

    In short, it will be a help, not a hindrance. AI is making a big difference in the creative arts, but it’s like the invention of the synthesiser or Ableton. It opens more opportunities, it doesn’t stop people being creative nor does it stop people doing things “the old fashioned way” – plenty of decent bands still about.

    The job loss thing is tricky, but this is nothing new. You could say the same about literally anything we got from the Industrial Revolution.

    My main issue is as my first point – too many of those in charge see AI as a threat that simply doesn’t exist and won’t until AGI is a thing, and when that happens we’ve got much bigger things to worry about. Possibly bad, but more possibly amazing. This total misunderstanding and ignorance to AI is infuriating. It’s already causing problems – people’s utter stupidity and seeming obsession with thinking ChatGPT is more than just a fast and inconvenient version of a Google search is causing students to be falsely marked as plagiarising, junior coders getting lazy, journalism getting worse (if that were possible) and so on.

    Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) might be the end of us all, but it’s a long way off and until then we’re just reaping the benefits the same way technology has allowed us to for millennia.

  9. I don’t think it does anything which you couldn’t do before by outsourcing. Maybe the biggest impact will be to places like India and the Philippines when things like call centres get all their offshored staff replaced with AI just keeping UK and near shored staff for the odd cases it can’t handle.

  10. ChatGPT is NOT AI…it’s polished search. And just like search the answers you find can get are not necessarily good.

    The problem for those that are so happy to cut costs and use it is you still need an expert to know if the answer it gives you is correct….

    It’s great as an outlining tool…but you still need the experience to pick out the bs

  11. OP is the best person to answer this themselves. Try using it in daily life, see what it’s useful for. Then imagine that some companies have an AI with no limitations that are imposed on us mortals with a free account. It’s a pretty interesting time.

  12. I’m hoping it might be able to usher in a new golden age of the NHS and greatly improve access to healthcare and waiting times for things.

    Or at least stave off it’s demise for another 20 years…

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