**Disclaimer: I don’t have social skills and would like some advice on how to deal with this situation.**

I take the bus to work regularly. And this bus route picks up a lot of high school students. Hopefully you can see where this is going…

A batch of students decant into the bus, one of them being a young girl who I’ve caught stealing glances at me in the past. The moment she sees me her eyes widen in horror and she immediately sits directly adjacent to me towards the back of the bus and begins frantically preening her hair.

From my periphery, I can see that she’s curled up in a ball on both seats and directly facing me. And that’s when I hear the singular click of a camera shutter going off.

Her phone was directly pointed on me… However, for all I know, maybe she was taking selfies?

My gut instinct tells me otherwise and a few things don’t quite make sense to me:

-If she was in fact taking selfies of herself, why stop at just the one?… This came across as a sneaky well-timed photo snap.

-Why suddenly and immediately take a single selfie of yourself the moment you sit down, moments after widening your eyes on horror at me?…

Personally, I suspect she did take a photo of me. But I felt the plausible deniability of the situation was too great to warrant saying anything.

Should I have said something?… And if so then what.

This isn’t the first time randoms have taken photos of me. And it does bother me.

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