I’m into this guy and i want to know if he’s into me. He often initiates conversation with me. Only work related but sometimes jokes around. He doesn’t really talk that nicely with most people. Maybe me and a few others ig

  1. Best way to find out is ask 😉 that’s the only way you’ll know for sure. If you like him shoot your shot

  2. If he initiates the conversation then you can bet he finds you attractive or likable. Have lunch with him and see if he’d like to go out some evening.

  3. Mixed signals are a no, unless you are clear or he clearly mentions you’d never know. You want know unless one of you asks. Good luck

  4. Tell him that you had a crappy day and that you sure could use a Hug. Depending if and how he holds you should be pretty obvious of his feelings.

  5. Usually you have a gut feeling someone is interested based on subtle mannerism. But a clear sign someone is interested is if they are down to hang with you most of the time you suggest it.


    Every time I ve been unsure about a girls level of interest she hasn’t been romantically interested. I think the confusion comes from the fact that a girl might display behavior that suggests interest just cause she likes you platonically, but the difference with a girl who is actually interested is the latter shows consistent interest and is down to hang all the time.

  6. Wow, some people are being loved.

    You might wanna ask. There is no certain way to understand this since there is no certain way of showing it.

  7. If he appears soothed or more calm around you, he maybe experiencing an oxytocin release and he loves you.

  8. Dump this guy. If he doesn’t talk nicely to most people, you will be next.

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