Well there are hundreds of people who are witty and there wittiness is not some little joke, there wittiness belittles the object and sometimes I have been target and I have no comeback, I have tried lot of tactics like not taking it personally or ignoring it or I just straight up speak up but there are so many people who makes this kinda wittiness jokes and unless you can’t do it you don’t forward in group…

And please don’t tell me that you shouldn’t be with this kinda people, well there is fact for you, you can’t avoid every people you need to adapt and to go ahead in life you have to sometimes make deal with devil…

  1. Honestly I find ultra witty people exhausting. Like every other sentence is a setup for some joke. Can we not just have a normal conversation even once? Is that too boring for you? What are you trying to hide by being so witty all the time? Are you not ok?

  2. Don’t worry, we’ll tone it down for you. Just be ready for some awkward silence…just kidding!

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