I matched with a girl through some dating apps and we went on a single date. Next morning, I texted her, but then she said that she didn’t feel a connection. I said okay and thanked her fir being honest and wished her good luck.
I met her afterwards multiple and she looked very angry of me and did some provoking acts. I wonder what she wants? wad she expecting me to beg her for a second chance?

  1. Some women are solely in it for the attention aspect of dating. They don’t necessarily want to be in a relationship with you but they do things to try to string you along and if you don’t play along with it they get rejection sensitivity. Chances are she was talking to multiple men at once and when one of her options wasn’t begging on his knees for her it hurt her ego. There are some egocentric women out there who really just care about the attention they get, especially if they’re hot and know it. Don’t take it personally, it’s an issue with her, not you, even if she projects her anger on you and makes a scene to try to get your message on her phone again.

  2. >she looked very angry of me and did some provoking acts

    what does that mean

    if she said she wasn’t interested, there’s essentially no way that that means she wants you to beg for a second chance

    most to the point, if she said she’s not interested, what does it ultimately matter

  3. I’m really confused what she did afterwards but she said she wasn’t interested so leave it at that

  4. Depends on the girl.

    Lots of girls are into collecting lots of guy orbiters that find them attractive to feed their egos. Many make a habit of playing manipulative pua style bluffs and other tricks to maintain control of all potential partners. Can’t handle it calmly when they meet someone who politely moves on and won’t play their game or fight with them.

  5. It does happen. Seems people love games, seems she does. Carry on. All the best to you.

  6. “Did some provoking acts” – what?

    No. If a woman tells you she’s not interested, most likely she doesn’t want to hear from you again, most definitely she does not what you to “beg for a second chance”. That sounds horrible.

  7. You’re going to have to explain what you mean by “did some provoking acts” because I have no idea what that means.

  8. Not entirely sure what is meant by “provoking acts” but to answer your question in its simplest form: Yes, there are some immature women on there for the sole purpose of getting validation from the attention.

    They want to know that they are wanted by others. Most people do. So when you don’t validate her as anything more than just some girl you went on one date with, her ego is bruised. She wanted you to fawn over her

  9. Dude just forget about her and focus on other things, maybe she’s playing games and wanted you to chase her. Baby her anger has nothing to do with you and she’s just going through something. If you’re really curious you could just ask her directly and see what she says

  10. Yeah, if they tell me thanks but no thanks, I move on. I have not been contacted again by a woman once that card has been played.

  11. Is there any chance that you’re misinterpreting the “provoking acts”? Is there any chance that she wasn’t angry but just awkward, cause some people really don’t know what to do around people they have rejected?

  12. It doesn’t matter what her actual intentions are, if she says that she isn’t interested then take it at face value. You don’t need to participate in whatever game she’s playing.

  13. What does “I met her afterwards multiple and she looked very angry of me and did some provoking acts” mean?

    Dude it’s like you had a brain fart there & missed some words. Lol

  14. So. No connection but you still met her afterwards? For what? Why you still talking to her.

  15. You being on dating apps is your first mistake, given the ratio of male to females is insane with males being over 65-70 percent of the users, meaning women have an influx of options to choose from. And statistically speaking, you’re most likely an average looking guy, so you might as well pack it up and stick in irl approaching

  16. Maybe she wanted to establish the connection? I’m so confused…what acts? Also no is no. If she says “I don’t want a anything romantically with you” that’s what she means. Her flirting with you or giving you a BJ or whatever does not change that. For most women, when we don’t feel it we are never going to feel it. We might get drunk and do stuff but we all want some attention sometimes. There is absolutely no hints or game in “I don’t want to date you”

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