So this girl that ive liked for over a year had a boyfriend but about a week or two back they broke up and just recently she asked me to hang out, we went and played pool then went back to her place and hung out until about midnight and towards the end we smoked a bit and it was a really good time. Toward the end of the night she kept getting closer to me and right before I left she was complimenting me and I was doing the same to her. About midnight she said she was gonna get ready for bed and so we went to say our goodbyes and she hugged me and started staring at me while I was holding her and I think she wanted me to kiss her but I started to overthink and the smoking hadn’t helped and so I didnt. I texted her the next day and told her I had a great time a few hours later she texted back that she did too but that shes got a lot to think about right now. And now i think ive ruined my chance, what should I do?

  1. If she broke up 2 weeks ago, all you’re going to be at this point is a rebound. Or you’re going to end up with someone who can’t be alone and is just picking the first option.
    So be happy she realizes she needs some time to work through things, it shows maturity. Keep in touch and see what happens once she’s past the heartache.

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