Throwaway account. 20’s female.

Like most people I’ve heard countless times about that thing where you should eat pineapple to taste better for oral sex. I’ve got a few questions regarding this which I’m hoping this sub can provide answers for!

1. To start off, is it even true that this is the case? I assume it is but figured I should open with this question since the following ones are irrelevant if the answer is no, lol
2. Which fruits, or other foods as well, can improve your taste?
3. Which foods can *negatively* impact your taste? (I’ve heard red meat can have this effect?)
4. How long does it take to notice a difference? Like, if I have a date\* on a certain day which I expect will end in the bedroom, do I just eat a whole pineapple for breakfast the same day? Or do I consistently change my diet for days or weeks beforehand? What’s the timeframe here?

Thank you!

\* I do not have a date, just an example to frame the question around

  1. I’ve heard asparagus negatively affects taste, but I haven’t tested that… why would I?

  2. Pineapple deffetnetly works. I tasted a difference on my wife after 3 days (first day had no difference, but at day 2 there were a slight difference, day 3 there were no doubt). She says the same about my cum.

  3. Pineapple deffetnetly works. I tasted a difference on my wife after 3 days (first day had no difference, but at day 2 there were a slight difference, day 3 there were no doubt). She says the same about my cum.

  4. 1. Yes, it is true. The old idiom “you are what you eat” is actually a fact. Everything in your body is made from the food you put in, and what you put in affects your composition. Can result in more of some compounds and less of others.
    2. This is somewhat subjective, as it depends on what your partner likes. I went down on one person who I swear tasted like mashed potatoes. Not something I’d call a bad taste and some people might have enjoyed the experience, but wasn’t really what I wanted. By and large though, most people agree that all kinds of fruit improve the taste. Things high in fructose more generally.
    3. This is just a continuation of point #2. Different people will have different things they don’t like, but most people seem to not like the effect that high protein foods have on the flavor. This includes meats and beans. You definitely need protein in your diet though, so don’t cut it out. Just try not to go overboard on it.
    4. It does take some time to take effect. Exactly how long is difficult to predict because lots of things are at play. What other things you are eating. Your activity levels. Your metabolism. Etc. In general though, I’d say less than a week of consistent change is all that’s needed to notice a difference.

  5. Yes it’s true, you can try without even testing genitalia. Just eat a lot of onions/shallots/garlic, workout a bit and smell your sweat, that won’t be pleasant. Same for all bodily fluids that exit your body by design (sperm, vaginal fluids). Iirc, fruits/sweet foods give you better taste than sour/spicy ones, on top my minds garlic/onions/cabbage/asparagus are the worse, sweet fruits like pineapple are good.

  6. Your question has already been answered well, I’ll just add that dehydration and just generally not drinking enough water can impact taste and smell too.

  7. Apparently your bf ‘s cum will taste better if he has been eating pinable

  8. I always thought pineapple and parsley were jizz. Haven’t heard a food that helps women.

  9. It’s the enzyme bromelain in the pineapple. You can buy bromelain supplements.

  10. Alternatively chew peppermint gum or have a mint in. It masks the taste.

  11. I dont touch alcohol or drugs & look after myself, all my girlfriends & exes said i tasted amazing & loved swallowing

  12. I’m told that foods one eat affects sperm taste also. I was eating lots of fruit Jello for an extended period so after a few oral sessions I’m tasting much better and gf doesn’t mine swallowing so much anymore.. Must be some truth in it.. I now stock up on jello at my home..

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