Long post, sorry for the length:

My husband (34M) and I (34F) got married in January on our 2 year anniversary. We had been friends prior to our relationship. He is an European citizen and I am an American. I am helping him with his citizenship, and paying for the lawyer. We planned to a do a prenup and now are working on what’s called a postnup but he hasn’t retained a lawyer. I have loaned him a fair amount of money and he still does not pay bills. Nothing towards rent or any other bill. I was very successful early in my career and started my own business at the beginning of Covid. He works in the service industry and works 50 hrs a week. He says I’m lazy because I don’t work as many hours. I make more than he does.

A friend of mine reached out to me and asked if he would interested in a position at his new restaurant making 3x his current pay with better hours. My husband refused to even meet with them.

On top of that:
He is extremely jealous of my interaction with men and brings up my past relationships. Last night he ran into a man I dated that later became a client of my architectural practice. This man refused to pay his bill despite his making upwards of 500k a year. My husband listened to his derogatory comments about me and was mad at me when he got home. He was so drunk he couldn’t tell me what my name was, or our dog. I have to end this, yes?

  1. You need to dump this leech. He brings nothing to the table except making you feel bad about yourself with his derogatory comments

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