Now, I’ve been doing circuit training recently with a focus on glutes to make them a little bigger, but I have noticed recently that they have gotten smaller lol

I don’t know how these female fitness gurus grew their glutes to a round and enormous size, but mine have become even more compact abeit quite toned and nice, but still smaller than they were before.

Exercises I’ve been doing included the usual squats, hip raises, pull backs etc.

Has anyone gotten smaller more compact glutes from doing these exercises that are supposed to make your glutes bigger?

  1. You have to remember, glutes like anything are a muscle. Working out is just a fraction of getting them bigger. The majority of effort for what it takes to grow muscle is nutrition, bulking, eating a consistent and protein-rich diet. You can do all the squats and hip thrusts in the world. If you eating like a 12 year old school girl, you’re not gonna properly grow.

  2. On deadlift day, I’ll do hip thrusts and cable kickbacks. On squat day, I’ll do glute bridges and cable/machine abduction. I used to do Bulgarian split squats on squat day but took them out for the past few weeks.

  3. How much are you able to squat?

    I had glutes like what you want but was repping 365lbs 3×5 2-3 times a week.

    The only leg workouts I did was squat, deadlift and leg curls.

  4. I work glutes & hamstrings on the same day.

    Here’s my current workout:

    Smith Machine Hip Thrusts

    Prone knee curls

    Stiff leg deadlift

    Seated knee curls

    Hip extension (kickback) Machine

    Kettlebell Swing Squats

    *All exercises are 3-4 sets of 15-8 reps, pyramid up with weight and down with reps each set, except KB swing squats I do 4 sets of 15

    ** for reference this is my split:

    Day 1- chest

    Day 2- back

    Day 3- quads & abs

    Day 4- shoulders

    Day 5- arms & abs

    Day 6- glutes & hams

    Day 7- rest

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