I came from an abusive family so I shut myself away pretty much all my childhood. Didn’t go out with people, didn’t have friends. None of the “usual” childhood stuff. Later on I joined the military and got out. I saved money and learned some basic life skills while in and that’s sustaining me, but…

Now I’m 30, going to college. I talked with people when I was in the military but never made friends with any of them. I don’t really understand how to bridge that gap between just someone you talk to and someone who is a friend.

I got away from my family but now I’m all on my own. I want connection but people scare me, they make me nervous and uncomfortable.

I went to therapy and found out I have ADHD and autism. Talk therapy helped a little and I got put on medication that made me less anxious, but it started just seeming like platitudes, so I stopped going.

What do I do now? Any advice? I’ve never had a real life friend, I’ve never done a lot of “normal” things and it makes me feel so lost.

1 comment
  1. Factory reset. Your brain needs to work how it was designed to work by nature and evolution. Things that help this are…

    Being in nature, dopamine detox, yoga+meditation, quiet time, reading books with characters in them, eating healthy and exercising, quality sleep.

    Watch interviews, talkshows, learn about other cultures, listen to podcasts where people converse with each other, learn basic social norms, read Dale Carnegie

    Avoid stress as much as you can avoid negativity and toxic people as much as you can. Limit your screen time and the things you consume on the internet

    Best of luck you got this 👍

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