Hey all,

I (29 M) attended a concert for my favorite band a few days back. I went alone for a variety of reasons: I quite enjoy the serenity of being on my own timeline, I feel like the experience becomes more personal and derives more meaning, and it gives me the opportunity to meet people. Plus I had a meet ‘n’ greet pass and didn’t feel like tagging anyone along with me to force them to wait while I met the band

The concert was amazing and I was lucky enough to meet a few individuals G (M) and B (F) during a meet ‘n’ greet experience with the band. They got in line for the wait before me and we got into conversations about various things, like what B did for work and the fact that it was her birthday, but I can’t shake the feeling that I just sort of inserted myself into their experience. G was very inclusive / welcoming and B was also incredibly nice. It was very clear we were all there to support the band and I’m thankful they were cool with the interaction

We parted ways after the meet ‘n’ greet, but somehow managed to find ourselves back in line together leading up to the concert. They were joined by a group of three other friends who were standing with us. I got to meet the others and we all hit it off somewhat decently. I was the only “local” and they were all in town together from various parts of the country so I offered advice on places to go around town. We all ended up inside and G invited me to stand with the group in the crowd. I obliged and the concert ensued.

The entire evening was great. The energy of the concert was awesome and I got to interact with various people in the group I had just met. I could kind of feel like I was sort of outside of the group rather than being fully included, which I didn’t mind because I was just kind of a plus one invited on an impulse anyhow. I got the vibe a few times that I made some of the individuals in the group uncomfortable, though again I was just there for the concert so I didn’t really mind if they chose not to interact with me.

However, towards the end of the night, I thanked them all for letting me tag along and I left without any sort of final interaction. No exchange of snapchat, discord or facebook so no way to communicate with any of them. I’m just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and whether asking for some sort of contact info following an experience like this would be taboo?

For context, they looked like they were maybe five years younger than I am but I never asked anyone’s ages and they never asked for mine. I think it would be funny to run into G & B in the future and I’m sure it’s entirely possible I will. I *have* gotten someone’s snapchat before following a different concert by the same band, though we never interact. I didn’t even hit them up to see if they were going to this one, which I think was a missed opportunity, but it makes me convinced I wouldn’t act on getting contact info from someone different anyhow

Thoughts? Am I overthinking the experience?

1 comment
  1. I feel like its fine to leave this one be what it is, I feel like if one or more of them were locals it would have made more sense to stay in contact.

    Maybe you could have asked when the next time they’d be in town would be, or got some context for what brought them there or how they all knew eachother it would have helped facilitate contact. For next time. 🙂

    I’m sure it was a little awkward for the folks who didn’t meet you at the meet &greet to have a random extra person there, but don’t sweat it. As long as everyone was cool and had fun, then no worries.

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