I know the title might sound a little controlling but I just needed to vent this somewhere and ask for advice. My long distance boyfriend and I have been dating only for nearly 3 months now.

So today he got on social media and told me that he received 4 friend requests from random girls. I asked if he accepted them, and he said no. Then he told me that another girl sent him one, and I saw that he accepted it since that girl and I now have him as a mutual friend.

It just made me wonder what made this girl different if he rejected the other 4 friend requests? I admit I can be an overthinker so I thought that maybe it’s because of her profile picture since it was of herself and honestly she looks gorgeous! She seemed like a kind person too so I have no hate towards her whatsoever.

A part of me also wants to know if he’ll keep this from me..? If I ask, will he say that he did accept it or just say no to keep me from wondering? A larger part of me trusts my boyfriend, and I guess this is the only time I can verify things (because we’re in LDR) since I have evidence of something, compared to just believing what he says.

I’m completely fine with him having female friends as he has them from previous years. Never would I ask him to cut them off. It’s just this one time that’s bothered me a bit and I have a feeling I might be reading into things too much again. He’s joked about getting with other girls sometimes and we’ve had a talk about it. Ever since then he’s stopped. The urge to ask him has somewhat worn off and I kinda care less now if he’s accepted it or not. But a part of me still does want to know and I should be comfortable asking him about these things?

Should I just go ahead and ask him? Or is it too much?

TLDR; my bf received 5 friend requests from other girls he doesn’t know, and rejected all but one. should i ask him about it?

  1. “Hey, she’s friends with OP, seems like a safe bet to accept this one.”

    I mean, that’s what it seems like to me.

  2. Your boyfriend is not required to tell you every single thing he does.

    He is also allowed to make new friends without you telling him who he can and cannot be friends with.

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