I normally just work so much I don’t have any reason to think of anything else but yeah that isn’t healthy from what I keep being told.

I’m genuinely not sure what to do when I’m not at work.

My friends all introverts so gotta catch them on the right day at the right time to even get a text back.

  1. Go to the Gym or Workout at home is not even that hard
    Your futureself will be thankfull

  2. You could develop some outlets. Gym, outdoors club, hobby/interest group, adult ed class, volunteer work, professional club, adult recreational sports etc.

  3. Happened with me after covid. There were months I worked for 90 to 100 hours. When I went down to 60 I was kind of lost.

    Try to remember your old hobbies and atempt to start doing them again, even if you dont feel like it. Eventualy a spark will ignite and you may start enjoying it again.

  4. Hobbies are a good place to start. Gets you out of the house and meeting new people.

  5. Video games, tv, books, chores, hobbies, jigsaws, sleep, excercise, cooking.

  6. Now is a great time to go on a few hikes, provided these are accessible to you. These are moments to yourself (or with friends) and give you mental and physical space from work + responsibilities. Plus the gentle physical activity will boost your mood.

    Stress can shut people down but, over time, with breaks, your spark will come back.

  7. Pick something you enjoy. Just go to a book store and pick out something nice to read.

  8. I work at 3pm-11pm so before work, I do my exercise. I recommend just brisk walking for 30 minutes around your neighhourhood, put on some tunes and just explore. Even on some days, I will do strength training at home with dumbbells or resistance bands. Then pretty much for the rest, I play video games. Sometimes I may also just go do some grocery shopping if I need to restock on something.

    Since it’s summer time, or at least hopefully where you are, you can try some hobbies like longboarding or rollerblading. Hiking trails is also a good to get into or if you’re more indoors, you can try to go to a museums or aquariums. Maybe in your area, maybe there’s boardgame cafes that hosts weekly events to come play some boardgames with people.

  9. You work to live, not live to work. If you work a ton and not even have the time to enjoy the extra money you’re earning or even know what to do with it, what’s the point? Are there any hobbies you would be interested in trying out? Maybe go out for a walk, go to a new place. Try to broaden your horizons a bit because life is short. Just because your current friends are introverted and don’t communicate often, could you meet new people who would be up for more social activities?

  10. Go for drives, find your favorite fast food orders or combos or drinks, listen to playlists made by other people on Spotify based on moods or scenarios or colors, find out what YOU enjoy. Make your room a safe place where work is out of the picture, create a mental boundary there. Invite someone you’d never think of to go for lunch one day. Visit a store near you you’ve never thought to go to. Take a day trip somewhere far away and don’t tell anyone. Start packing fun lunches. Paint your light switches. Go to the thrift store and find a clothing item outside your comfort zone and wear it one day. Look up monthly writing prompts and write. Dig into your old memories, fall in love with yourself.

  11. LEGO!!!

    It’s an expensive hobby but it’s rewarding on so many levels. Whether you follow the instructions or free form, it’s both satisfying during the constuction process…that click of the brick, finding the right piece to fit, the touch sound and feel.
    After, you get to revel in what YOU created, and even the breakdown process is so satisfying, if you choose to not keep is on display.

    I spent hours and hours outside of work -before, after, and days off just doing that an I think that was the most positive hobby I had (It’s been awhile). Additionally, it’s possible to meet other enthusiasts that are less of an introvert and therefore more available for chit chat and hanging.

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