When is the good time to ask for a second date if you think the first one went well ??

  1. If you feel like the date went well, I’d say at the end of the date sometime in the wrapping up before saying bye period, you could test the waters by asking if she’d like to get together or do something like this again. If she says yes, then agree to get in touch/call each other to make more concrete plans soon. To me that would be the perfect combination of expressing interest and keeping things moving forward, but also not making her feel like you’re sweating/rushing her.

  2. I like to message (text) her about how I enjoyed the date and if it’s matched with the same energy then I ask if she’d like to go out again. Easy way to communicate, letting you know if she isn’t interested early on.

  3. I like to message (text) her about how I enjoyed the date and if it’s matched with the same energy then I ask if she’d like to go out again. Easy way to communicate, letting you know if she isn’t interested early on.

  4. I met a girl. We chatted online for a few days, then met for coffee. We really hit it off, talked until the place closed.

    I messaged her pretty much the same day or the one after. “I had a great time and I’d love to see you again.”

    Eight years later, we’re married and she’s asleep beside me.

    I’d say a day or two. Just depends on how well it went.

  5. When I was dating my wife our first date was at her place (non-sexual). So, I knew where she lived. Then I didn’t really have a second date. She mentioned that she was having a big exam soon and so I told her I was going to bring her a nice home made breakfast to give her a good start to the day. I dropped off the food early and then left her alone so that she could study. From then on we were meeting each other whenever we were both free at the same time. We couldn’t get enough of each other.

  6. I usually send a text or ask for a text that they got home alright. If the date went real well ask them then. Strike while the irons hot. Most girl’s seem to find it flattering.

  7. The optimal time is sometime after the first date, but before the second date.

  8. Tell her you enjoyed your time together and would like to see her again. My husband called me the next day after our first date on a Wednesday and took me to dinner the following Saturday. If she likes you, she will be excited for a second date. If not, oh well! 🙂

  9. First date goes well: I say at the end of the date “hey, this was fun, we should do another date soon”. If they say yes then I go in for the kiss. I’ve never had anyone say no so I would probably just say goodbye and wish then the best in that case.

    After that I text them and set up a day and time for a next date. Always around two or three days later. Or 4 days max. I don’t get why people wait a full week or two or god forbid longer to go in another fun date. I liked hanging out with you no shit I wanna do it again and soon.

    Never had any girls think any of this was weird. It works very well for me. Also probably helps that I only date one person at a time.

    I like to invest in one person at a time. Probably just a me thing but find it a little disrespectful if they are dating multiple people and vice versa. Just seems almost like I dunno… I’m the second or first or third option?

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