I’ve been dating this girl for the past two and a half months and things have been going pretty good. We were texting often, calling, facetiming, etc. The only day off we share is Monday and we’ve been seeing each other every Monday for most of the day, and making little moments the rest of the week to see each other if possible.

A little over a week ago she told me that she wasn’t feeling herself and was feeling really down, stressed out, anxious, and was going to be busy with work. All of this I understand and I’m trying to be as understanding, patient, and supportive as possible. The only issue I’m having is she is now taking much longer to reply to my messages, is acting less interested in texts, isn’t responding to my calls, etc. But when we see each other or do have a chance to talk on the phone, she’s super involved and talkative with me and gives me all her attention.

When we saw each other on Monday she told me she wasn’t ready for a relationship yet because she is apprehensive from previous experiences which I get, but that she wanted to keep dating me and that she did really like me. I think she is an amazing girl and I want to keep dating her too but this is leaving me conflicted and confused, and I’m not sure what I should do.

1 comment
  1. Love is different than passion. The start of relationship “honeymoon phase” as some would describe, has everyone energetic with butterflies, but this doesn’t last forever. What makes a good relationship is communicating, loyalty, admiration and respect. Accept that she might not be as enthusiastic about you, but if she still admires and has respect for you, it’s still on the right path.

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