i <24 m> live with my roommates <21/24 f>. we just moved in together about 2 and a half months ago. i’ve been best friends with one of my roommates, C, for like 4 years and didn’t really know our other roommate, H, before then. H and C have been friends for years and i’ve interacted with H a handful of times before we moved in.

things have been great! we all get along, have a nice set up, hangout, etc. C has been dating someone for a while and they were out of town for a month studying abroad. he got back last wednesday, and C hasn’t really been home too much since. H and i get along but we didn’t interact much unless C was home. we’d pretty much just hang out in our own rooms until C got home and then we’d all hang in the living room. However, with C being gone, me and H at home alone, and feeling like this was gonna be a regular circumstance, i decided to make an effort to try and get to know H better. i was gonna see a movie that night and asked if she wanted to come, to which she agreed. we had a great time and every night since we’ve been watching a ton of movies and jokin around/talkin on the couch. we’ve really formed a connection and i’ve come to know how special H is. we have so much in common and just get a long in a way i haven’t clicked with someone in a long time. i’ve started developing feelings for her, but want to nip it in the bud because we’re roommates. i’m not sure if my feelings are reciprocated because truthfully, i’ve been trying to avoid looking for any “signs”, because i don’t want to get my hopes up. i’m not interested in H because of sex. i just really enjoy spending time with her, and wish that i could cuddle with her and stuff while watching movies and jokin around. it’s not a horny situation i promise haha but, again, i’m trying to figure out how best to nip it in the bud because we are roommates and i don’t want to open a can of worms that could make either of us, or potentially C, uncomfortable. any advice on what to do?

  1. The whole point of flirting is to gauge interest while still maintaining plausible deniability about your interest. Start flirting with her and see if she flirts back.

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