How do you get better at honoring your commitments and staying true to your word?

  1. You just kind of do it, I guess?

    Idk, it’s just the way I was raised. My mother especially ingrained in me that a person keeps their commitments, especially when it’s hard or when they don’t want to.

  2. Part of it is learning to say no or to defer an answer. At least for me, I used to sometimes agree to go somewhere or do something, then you start thinking “damn I kind of don’t really want to do x.” But when I started just taking a moment, I started telling people no a lot more, and agreeing to the things I really wanted to do or was genuinely okay with.

  3. Start with something small, like a commitment to yourself. I am going to stop this bad habit. I am going to do the dishes before bed, etc.

  4. Be around people who do

    Would you want to be in a battalion where everybody abandons their post and you’re the last man left standing?

  5. I make it a point to never promise anything unless I know for a fact I can deliver. Then I do. So people that know me know to ask me to promise and sometimes I just can’t for whatever reason and I’ll be like I’m sorry I can’t promise you that. And that’s important too, knowing when to say you cannot meet the commitment or even just not wanting to.

  6. I like to imagine myself in the shoes of the person i made to and the effects of me breaking that commitment.

  7. I hire a guy to slash my tires if I don’t provide proof I did what I said I would within a certain amount of time.

    I have never had my tires slashed yet, but I have spent a lot of money hiring other guys to beat the shit out of the first guy.

  8. I learn to respect myself by a person worthy of being emulated and then I naturally do what I need in life.

  9. Consider your reputation. Don’t be the guy who can’t be depended on. If your problem is procrastination, don’t think, don’t schedule, just do it now. Now now now.

  10. Pick my commitments wisely and explain what can be expected of me for that task

  11. The only real piece of advice for this is to make sure that you think about how feasible it will be for you before you promise. Like you won’t promise to meet someone on the opposite side of the city 10 minutes after you get off of work. But maybe you could promise them that you’ll meet up halfway between the two of you 30 minutes after you get off work, that makes much more sense

    But other than that, there is no secret recipe. It’s just a discipline thing. You agreed to a dinner with some friends a week in advance, and day of you feel like sleeping instead? Well that’s where you decide what kind of person you want to be.

  12. *”How do you get better at honoring your commitments and staying true to your word?”*

    By honoring your commitments and staying true to your word.

    The answer is so obvious my guess is OP already knew it. Oh, well now he can get his karma over 50.

  13. this is easy, know what you can and cannot do. If you know you can do it, then say yes, if you know you can’t, decline. It’s better to decline and not do it, then to accept and not do it.

    Just know what your willing to do.

    Then at the least your man or woman of your word.

  14. As a man 99% of the time you’re word is all you have
    You have to honour that
    Make a point to only agree with what you can do
    I only just learned recently that it’s ok to say no I can’t

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