As the title suggests, I want to improve my network with people of the same gender as me. Without better words, I use “high-value” to describe a self-improvement, driven, growth-based entrepreneurial mindset

I have tried networking with many women in my university; however, my chances of meeting and ‘clicking’ with someone with a driven mindset has been difficult these past 3 years. I’m thinking it’s because of where I’m looking and probably how I approach them.

In terms of location, I’ve seen high-value women at:
– gym
– yoga
– healthy parts of grocery stores
– volunteer clubs
– small businesses (but idk if my business partners are people I can talk to as friends)

Where else can I find people like me?

In regards to approach, most of the time it seems as if women are uncomfortable with talking to me/ignore me/overall short with the conversation. Could it be the way I approach people? Am I too bubbly and tomboyish?

tl;dr: a mildly socially awkward young women looking for the where to meet and how to interact with high value women.

  1. So basically you feel you are better than other people and only want a certain type of people to be friends with. This type must include people who can help you achieve your goals.

    So essentially you do not want friends; you want fans, mentors and marks.

  2. Well, why should these high value people interact with you ? Do you have social skills and do you impact or bring any value to other people ?

    Most people want to be around somebody with exhibits good social skills. So How are your conversations with other people ? Do you have good social skills ? Do you listen to people when they speak, and do you speak when it is your turn to do so ? Oh, and when it is your turn to speak, do you speak with confidence and bring positive energy ? Or are you anxious and quiet ? All of these things are what people notice about you. You need to be exhibiting social skills right from the start. If you aren’t doing so, then you will be perceived as antisocial and you can’t expect people to include you into things. In general, Nobody cares why you are antisocial; they just make the judgement that you aren’t somebody they want to be around. You are how you act. Period.

    Most people also like somebody who actively works towards something in life and accomplishes things in life such as goals, hobbies, skills, talents, etc. You need to establish yourself in something i.e. get good or excellent at something that people value or desire, and build a good reputation. Respecting others is fine. But you yourself need to act and carry yourself in a respectable way. People should actually respect you.

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