What do you do when you finally see through all the lies that you have been telling yourself about the people that you love and the many excuses that you made for them?

  1. I think we all go through that eventually in our lives. It’s like realizing that your father is actually an asshole, or that your partner is actually manipulative. These are of course just examples. We slowly understand that something isn’t right, but make up excuses to defend them nevertheless. When you finally see through all the lies, you may feel stupid, betrayed, broken, tired, confused, perhaps even try to look deeper into it to make absolutely sure that you right or wrong.

    What do you do though? There is nothing you can do. Accept reality and move on. I’m sorry, this is a boring answer. However, that’s the truth. Your world is coming upside down at those moments of realization. Try to take some time off. Don’t talk to these people for some time ( if you can that is ). If you can’t avoid them, be polite, perhaps don’t drag the conversation, try to be calm and collective. It’s easy to lose your temper when you feel that all you hear is lies and bullshit.

    Eventually time heals everything. You teach your self to accept reality and live with it, or perhaps tolerate it.

    Don’t forget to always put your self first, not in the expense of others though. Eat right, get enough sleep, work out, spend time outside, spend time with the people that don’t actually lie to you. Try to enjoy life and avoid the same mistakes you or others did in the past. Cut toxic people out of your life and focus on what’s important.

    I hope that helps you man, feel free to write more about what’s on your mind or your opinion. Have a nice day

  2. Harden your heart against the world, have no friends and trust no woman.

  3. You grow. It’s that simple. When you finally can see through everything to the truth its you growing and understanding life better. You are starting to put together peoples actions and their words. Noticing these things help you to make better choices for yourself.

  4. It’s quite liberating. Once you finally learn the power of no, you’re mind is much better off. Over time, you see yourself as one of the many others who notice the same pattern of whoever you are referring to and they isolate themselves from the toxicity as well, leaving the toxic person all alone and miserable.

  5. Oph. Eventually you get tired making excuses for them. Or eventually you realize that the benefits of being in said relationship are not worth the negatives.

    Or their mental health just flushes down the toilet and you get tired of being overwhelmed by them all the time.

    Life is easier without them.

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