When I was with my first girlfriend. She asked to see my dick. I was about to pull it out but she then started backing away from me a bit feeling a little on edge. She said because girls don’t have dicks it’s a little frightening to look at a crotch and see a long pole attached to it. I pulled out my dick and she was very surprised. Was I being trolled she was a little crazy or do any other girls feel this way.

  1. Hard to say for sure, everyone is different, but I liken it to the fact you only get to see it the first time once. Kinda like one of those surprise packages where it can have nothing in it, or a bunch of money – you don’t know what you’re going to get.

    Now, in your case, you said she was surprised. Are you off the average by a significant margin? (smaller or larger)

  2. What age did this occur at?

    It’s an understandable reaction. But it’s likey something that you’d mature out of. It’s also very well possible she has some trama relating to sex, and her seeing a penis makes her uncomfortable.

  3. I mean… how old are you guys? Lol I haven’t ever heard of this reaction before but if that was the first time she saw a dick in real life, then I suppose everyone’s reactions can be unique. But hey she called yours a LONG pole so I’m going to say that’s a good thing!

  4. i mean kind of …. yeah, it’s your private part you know, it’s not something you see everyday….

  5. I was a bit uncomfortable the first time I saw one. It’s just not familiar.

  6. I’ve never seen a reaction from my partner at all when I drop my pants. No surprised look, no “lemme grab it” nothing.

  7. The first girl I showed my penis to just immediately wanted to put it in her mouth.

  8. Um… how old are the people involved here? A consenting adult woman shouldn’t have a problem seeing a dick. I even admire the human form in all its glory.
    I have been surprised in a *good* way before, though. As in, I date a guy and think, “No way is he packing,” And then he whips it out and it’s **chef’s kiss.**

  9. Well this is certainly better than the reaction of one very chaste lady from my dad’s old village who hadn’t been given any sex ed. On the day of her wedding, she was seen running through the streets screaming in terror, because her new husband had taken out his erect penis and she had no earthly clue what she was looking at (or that it was expected to go into her body)

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