Not romantic relationships necessarily. Any type. Roommates, friends, boss/employee, etc. A few examples are my ex landlord, who I thought I had a good relationship with. Turns out he would talk shit about me and I only found out due to him accidentally texting about me, to me. Or say my job that I’ve been at that is currently self destructing. I used to feel my boss was fair and treated me alright only to find out he doesn’t actually value me at all. Shady things to avoid paying out benefits, starting new people at my same pay who have way less experience and none of my responsibilites, etc.

Looking back, I just feel like most of my relationships inevitably end badly and not sure if this is somewhat normal or it’s just me.

  1. I think you should talk with therapist about that. You know sometimes we tend to recreate situations because a part of ourselves want it. It’s very strange and fixing has a lot to with shadow work. However therapy helps

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